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Water-Year Summary for Site USGS 03431091

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  • Water-Year Summary reports summarize a year of hydrologic data in a printer-friendly format.
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Available Parameters
00010 Temperature, water(Max.,Min.,Mean)  
00065 Gage height(Mean)  
00095 Specific cond at 25C(Max.,Min.,Mean)  
00300 Dissolved oxygen(Max.,Min.,Mean)  
00400 pH(Max.,Min.)  

Water year 2024: 2023-10-01 to 2024-09-30

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USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 36°09'55", long 86°43'17" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, Davidson County, TN, Hydrologic Unit 05130202, Water Quality Monitor: located on right bank 0.8 mi downstream from Mill Creek, upstream of Omohundro Filtration Plant, and at mile 193.7. DATUM updated December 23, 2011 to NAD83/NAVD88 gage height of 365.50 ft.
DRAINAGE AREA - 12,819 mi².
PERIOD OF RECORD - Sept. 17, 2010 to current year.
COOPERATION - Station instrumented and maintained in cooperation with Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County.
REMARKS - Flood-hydrograph stage only site. Flow is regulated by storage and power operations at numerous reservoirs above the station.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum gage height, 44.69 ft, February 24, 2019; minimum gage height, 18.10 ft, October 22, 2018
PERIOD OF RECORD - October 1996 to September 1999, October 2000 to current year.

SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: October 1996 to September 1999, October 2000 to current year.

pH: October 1996 to September 1999, October 2000 to current year.

WATER TEMPERATURE: October 1996 to September 1999, October 2000 to current year.

DISSOLVED OXYGEN: October 1996 to September 1999, October 2000 to current year.

INSTRUMENTATION - Four parameter water-quality sonde.
REMARKS - This site is directly affected by regulated releases upstream from Old Hickory Dam on the Cumberland River and J. Percy Priest Dam on the tributary Stones River and by unregulated flow from Mill Creek and other urban watersheds. Records for water temperature, specific conductance, and pH are good; and records for dissolved oxygen are fair, except for periods as noted. From April 27 to May 29, 2014 all records are fair. January 15, 2021 to April 28, 2021 all records are fair.

SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE:  Maximum, 377 microsiemens,
December 13, 2007; minimum, 149 microsiemens, March 19, 2020.
pH:  Maximum, 9.3 units, July 17, 2008, January 15, 2010;
minimum, 6.9 units, July 30, 1997, June 29, 2012.
WATER TEMPERATURE:  Maximum, 31.5°C, August 2, 2010;
minimum, 3.0°C, January 5, 2001.
DISSOLVED OXYGEN:  Maximum, 18.4 mg/L, March 7, 2006;
minimum, 2.4 mg/L, July 30, 2006.