# //UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY http://water.usgs.gov/ # //NATIONAL WATER INFORMATION SYSTEM http://water.usgs.gov/data.html # //DATA ARE PROVISIONAL AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE UNTIL PUBLISHED BY USGS # //RETRIEVED: 2023-11-20 18:00:02 # //WARNING # //WARNING The stage-discharge rating provided in this file should be # //WARNING considered provisional and subject to change. Stage-discharge # //WARNING ratings change over time as the channel features that control # //WARNING the relation between stage and discharge vary. Users are # //WARNING cautioned to consider carefully the applicability of this # //WARNING rating before using it for decisions that concern personal or # //WARNING public safety or operational consequences. # //FILE TYPE="NWIS RATING" # //DATABASE NUMBER=01 DESCRIPTION=" Standard data base for this site." # //STATION AGENCY="USGS " NUMBER="06294000 " TIME_ZONE="MST" DST_FLAG=Y # //STATION NAME="Little Bighorn River near Hardin MT" # //LABEL="Discharge ft^3/s" # //PARAMETER CODE="00060" # //RATING ID="32.0" TYPE="STGQ" NAME="stage-discharge" AGING=Working # //RATING REMARKS="Rating 32.0 developed in order to address a shape problem with rating 31.0. This rating is based on semi permanent heavy debris that is on the island control. The rating is a 3 segment rating for section, channel, and overbank control. An offset of 1.00 ft was used throughout. This was carried over from rating 31.0 as there appeared to be no reason to change it. The section segment of the rating is based on 2023 measurements obtained below 4.4 ft. This portion of the rating is roughly drawn to the right of the measurement trend as debris in this zone is more temporary and shifting will be required. The channel control segment of the rating is between 4.4 and 8.4 ft and is based on measurements 729, 765, 766, 772, 774, and 775. The overbank control portion is based on historic measurements #667, 668, and 737. Reversals exist between 4.0 and 4.6 ft, see attached worksheet in the station for proof that all are below 3%. " # //RATING EXPANSION="logarithmic" # //RATING OFFSET1=1.000000E+00 # //RATING_INDEP ROUNDING="????" PARAMETER="Gage height (ft)" # //RATING_DEP ROUNDING="????" PARAMETER="Discharge (ft^3/s)" # //RATING_DATETIME BEGIN=20230227202419 BZONE=-07:00 END=-------------- EZONE=--- AGING=Working # //RATING_DATETIME COMMENT="Apply new rating 32.0 during ice affected period before going into open flow. " INDEP DEP STOR 16N 16N 1S 1.7000000E+00 5.6660000E+00 * 4.2000000E+00 7.3810000E+02 * 4.4000000E+00 8.8000000E+02 * 4.6000000E+00 9.9220000E+02 * 8.2000000E+00 3.4040000E+03 * 8.4000000E+00 3.6250000E+03 * 8.6000000E+00 3.9480000E+03 * 1.2400000E+01 1.7920000E+04 *