# //UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY http://water.usgs.gov/ # //NATIONAL WATER INFORMATION SYSTEM http://water.usgs.gov/data.html # //DATA ARE PROVISIONAL AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE UNTIL PUBLISHED BY USGS # //RETRIEVED: 2024-10-31 23:55:01 # //WARNING # //WARNING The stage-discharge rating provided in this file should be # //WARNING considered provisional and subject to change. Stage-discharge # //WARNING ratings change over time as the channel features that control # //WARNING the relation between stage and discharge vary. Users are # //WARNING cautioned to consider carefully the applicability of this # //WARNING rating before using it for decisions that concern personal or # //WARNING public safety or operational consequences. # //FILE TYPE="NWIS RATING" # //DATABASE NUMBER=01 DESCRIPTION=" Standard data base for this site." # //STATION AGENCY="USGS " NUMBER="06154400 " TIME_ZONE="MST" DST_FLAG=Y # //STATION NAME="Peoples Creek near Hays MT" # //LABEL="Discharge (ft^3/s)" # //PARAMETER CODE="00060" # //RATING SHIFTED="20241031235501 MST" # //RATING ID="15.0" TYPE="STGQ" NAME="stage-discharge" AGING=???? # //RATING REMARKS="Revised rating May 3, 2024 based on fill after 2023 flooding. Used recent GZF 2.55 ft as an approximation of offset. Recent measurements given more weight and upper end not fully extended as previously. Extended past Meas. no. 471 to 10.01 ft and 2,440 cfs. Lower end section control to about 3.30 ft then channel control in intermediate section. More overbank conditions as rating lays over to right and slopes above 2.00. Reviewed, JBS (5/7/2024) - Reason for new rating is justified due to fill after 2023 flood. No reversals requiring smoothing. There is still low flow scatter in defintion obtained since the flood, I believe low end is appropriate and goes to zero. Upper end may need to be extended as necessary. Slopes are consistent with control types. I agree with giving more weight to #558 instead of 560 as 560 had light debris noted on the control. Rating may need adjusted as further defintion is obtained. " # //RATING EXPANSION="logarithmic" # //RATING OFFSET1=2.520000E+00 # //RATING_INDEP ROUNDING="????" PARAMETER="Gage height (ft)" # //RATING_DEP ROUNDING="????" PARAMETER="Discharge (ft^3/s)" # //RATING_DATETIME BEGIN=20240304000000 BZONE=-07:00 END=-------------- EZONE=--- AGING=1 # //RATING_DATETIME COMMENT="Revised rating May 3, 2024 based on fill after 2023 flooding. Used recent GZF 2.55 ft as an approximation of offset. Recent measurements given more weight and upper end not fully extended as previously. Extended past Meas. no. 471 to 10.01 ft and 2,440 cfs. Lower end section control to about 3.30 ft then channel control in intermediate section. More overbank conditions as rating lays over to right and slopes above 2.00. Reviewed, JBS (5/7/2024) - Reason for new rating is justified due to fill after 2023 flood. No reversals requiring smoothing. There is still low flow scatter in defintion obtained since the flood, I believe low end is appropriate and goes to zero. Upper end may need to be extended as necessary. Slopes are consistent with control types. I agree with giving more weight to #558 instead of 560 as 560 had light debris noted on the control. Rating may need adjusted as further defintion is obtained. " # //SHIFT_PREV BEGIN="20241022132738" BZONE="-07:00" END="--------------" EZONE="---" # //SHIFT_PREV STAGE1="3.30" SHIFT1="-0.07" STAGE2="4.94" SHIFT2="0.00" # //SHIFT_PREV COMMENT="Prorate for algal growth; Meas. 568; mod. algae. Hinge point at 3.30 ft, a rating descriptor point. Merge point at 4.94 ft, also a rating descriptor point." # //SHIFT_NEXT BEGIN="--------------" BZONE="---" END="--------------" EZONE="---" # //SHIFT_NEXT STAGE1="---" SHIFT1="---" STAGE2="---" SHIFT2="---" STAGE3="---" SHIFT3="---" # //SHIFT_NEXT COMMENT=" " INDEP SHIFT DEP STOR 16N 16N 16N 1S 2.61 -0.07 0.00 2.62 -0.07 0.01 2.63 -0.07 0.02 2.64 -0.07 0.04 2.65 -0.07 0.06 2.66 -0.07 0.08 2.67 -0.07 0.11 2.68 -0.07 0.14 2.69 -0.07 0.17 2.70 -0.07 0.21 2.71 -0.07 0.25 2.72 -0.07 0.30 2.73 -0.07 0.35 2.74 -0.07 0.40 2.75 -0.07 0.46 2.76 -0.07 0.53 2.77 -0.07 0.60 2.78 -0.07 0.67 2.79 -0.07 0.75 2.80 -0.07 0.83 2.81 -0.07 0.92 2.82 -0.07 1.01 2.83 -0.07 1.10 2.84 -0.07 1.21 2.85 -0.07 1.31 2.86 -0.07 1.42 2.87 -0.07 1.54 2.88 -0.07 1.65 2.89 -0.07 1.78 2.90 -0.07 1.91 2.91 -0.07 2.04 2.92 -0.07 2.18 2.93 -0.07 2.32 2.94 -0.07 2.47 2.95 -0.07 2.63 2.96 -0.07 2.78 2.97 -0.07 2.95 2.98 -0.07 3.12 2.99 -0.07 3.29 3.00 -0.07 3.47 3.01 -0.07 3.65 3.02 -0.07 3.84 3.03 -0.07 4.03 3.04 -0.07 4.23 3.05 -0.07 4.43 3.06 -0.07 4.64 3.07 -0.07 4.86 3.08 -0.07 5.07 3.09 -0.07 5.30 3.10 -0.07 5.53 3.11 -0.07 5.76 3.12 -0.07 6.00 3.13 -0.07 6.25 3.14 -0.07 6.49 3.15 -0.07 6.75 3.16 -0.07 7.01 3.17 -0.07 7.28 3.18 -0.07 7.55 3.19 -0.07 7.82 3.20 -0.07 8.10 3.21 -0.07 8.39 3.22 -0.07 8.68 3.23 -0.07 8.98 3.24 -0.07 9.28 3.25 -0.07 9.59 3.26 -0.07 9.90 3.27 -0.07 10.22 3.28 -0.07 10.54 3.29 -0.07 10.87 3.30 -0.07 11.21 * 3.31 -0.07 11.56 3.32 -0.07 11.92 3.33 -0.07 12.29 3.34 -0.07 12.66 3.35 -0.07 13.04 3.36 -0.07 13.42 3.37 -0.07 13.81 3.38 -0.07 14.20 3.39 -0.07 14.60 3.40 -0.07 15.00 3.41 -0.07 15.41 3.42 -0.06 15.82 3.43 -0.06 16.24 3.44 -0.06 16.66 3.45 -0.06 17.09 3.46 -0.06 17.53 3.47 -0.06 17.97 3.48 -0.06 18.42 3.49 -0.06 18.87 3.50 -0.06 19.33 3.51 -0.06 19.80 3.52 -0.06 20.27 3.53 -0.06 20.75 3.54 -0.06 21.23 3.55 -0.06 21.72 3.56 -0.06 22.21 3.57 -0.06 22.71 3.58 -0.06 23.22 3.59 -0.06 23.73 3.60 -0.06 24.25 3.61 -0.06 24.77 3.62 -0.06 25.30 3.63 -0.06 25.84 3.64 -0.06 26.38 3.65 -0.06 26.93 3.66 -0.05 27.48 3.67 -0.05 28.04 3.68 -0.05 28.61 3.69 -0.05 29.18 3.70 -0.05 29.75 3.71 -0.05 30.34 3.72 -0.05 30.92 3.73 -0.05 31.52 3.74 -0.05 32.12 3.75 -0.05 32.73 3.76 -0.05 33.34 3.77 -0.05 33.96 3.78 -0.05 34.58 3.79 -0.05 35.21 3.80 -0.05 35.85 3.81 -0.05 36.49 3.82 -0.05 37.14 3.83 -0.05 37.80 3.84 -0.05 38.46 3.85 -0.05 39.12 3.86 -0.05 39.80 3.87 -0.05 40.47 3.88 -0.05 41.16 3.89 -0.04 41.85 3.90 -0.04 42.55 3.91 -0.04 43.25 3.92 -0.04 43.96 3.93 -0.04 44.67 3.94 -0.04 45.39 3.95 -0.04 46.12 3.96 -0.04 46.86 3.97 -0.04 47.59 3.98 -0.04 48.34 3.99 -0.04 49.09 4.00 -0.04 49.85 4.01 -0.04 50.61 4.02 -0.04 51.38 4.03 -0.04 52.16 4.04 -0.04 52.94 4.05 -0.04 53.73 4.06 -0.04 54.52 4.07 -0.04 55.32 4.08 -0.04 56.13 4.09 -0.04 56.94 4.10 -0.04 57.76 4.11 -0.04 58.58 4.12 -0.03 59.42 4.13 -0.03 60.25 4.14 -0.03 61.10 4.15 -0.03 61.95 4.16 -0.03 62.80 4.17 -0.03 63.66 4.18 -0.03 64.53 4.19 -0.03 65.41 4.20 -0.03 66.29 4.21 -0.03 67.17 4.22 -0.03 68.06 4.23 -0.03 68.96 4.24 -0.03 69.87 4.25 -0.03 70.78 4.26 -0.03 71.70 4.27 -0.03 72.62 4.28 -0.03 73.55 4.29 -0.03 74.49 4.30 -0.03 75.43 4.31 -0.03 76.38 4.32 -0.03 77.33 4.33 -0.03 78.29 4.34 -0.03 79.26 4.35 -0.03 80.23 4.36 -0.02 81.21 4.37 -0.02 82.20 4.38 -0.02 83.19 4.39 -0.02 84.19 4.40 -0.02 85.20 4.41 -0.02 86.21 4.42 -0.02 87.22 4.43 -0.02 88.25 4.44 -0.02 89.28 4.45 -0.02 90.31 4.46 -0.02 91.36 4.47 -0.02 92.41 4.48 -0.02 93.46 4.49 -0.02 94.52 4.50 -0.02 95.59 4.51 -0.02 96.66 4.52 -0.02 97.74 4.53 -0.02 98.83 4.54 -0.02 99.92 4.55 -0.02 101.02 4.56 -0.02 102.13 4.57 -0.02 103.24 4.58 -0.02 104.36 4.59 -0.01 105.48 4.60 -0.01 106.61 4.61 -0.01 107.75 4.62 -0.01 108.89 4.63 -0.01 110.04 4.64 -0.01 111.20 4.65 -0.01 112.36 4.66 -0.01 113.53 4.67 -0.01 114.71 4.68 -0.01 115.89 4.69 -0.01 117.07 4.70 -0.01 118.27 4.71 -0.01 119.47 4.72 -0.01 120.68 4.73 -0.01 121.89 4.74 -0.01 123.11 4.75 -0.01 124.34 4.76 -0.01 125.57 4.77 -0.01 126.81 4.78 -0.01 128.05 4.79 -0.01 129.30 4.80 -0.01 130.56 4.81 -0.01 131.83 4.82 -0.01 133.10 4.83 0.00 134.38 4.84 0.00 135.66 4.85 0.00 136.95 4.86 0.00 138.25 4.87 0.00 139.55 4.88 0.00 140.86 4.89 0.00 142.17 4.90 0.00 143.50 4.91 0.00 144.83 4.92 0.00 146.16 4.93 0.00 147.50 4.94 0.00 148.85 * 4.95 0.00 150.08 4.96 0.00 151.31 4.97 0.00 152.54 4.98 0.00 153.78 4.99 0.00 155.03 5.00 0.00 156.28 5.01 0.00 157.53 5.02 0.00 158.80 5.03 0.00 160.06 5.04 0.00 161.33 5.05 0.00 162.61 5.06 0.00 163.89 5.07 0.00 165.17 5.08 0.00 166.46 5.09 0.00 167.76 5.10 0.00 169.06 5.11 0.00 170.37 5.12 0.00 171.68 5.13 0.00 172.99 5.14 0.00 174.31 5.15 0.00 175.64 5.16 0.00 176.97 5.17 0.00 178.31 5.18 0.00 179.65 5.19 0.00 180.99 5.20 0.00 182.34 5.21 0.00 183.70 5.22 0.00 185.06 5.23 0.00 186.42 5.24 0.00 187.79 5.25 0.00 189.17 5.26 0.00 190.55 5.27 0.00 191.94 5.28 0.00 193.33 5.29 0.00 194.72 5.30 0.00 196.12 5.31 0.00 197.53 5.32 0.00 198.94 5.33 0.00 200.35 5.34 0.00 201.77 5.35 0.00 203.20 5.36 0.00 204.63 5.37 0.00 206.06 5.38 0.00 207.51 5.39 0.00 208.95 5.40 0.00 210.40 5.41 0.00 211.86 5.42 0.00 213.32 5.43 0.00 214.78 5.44 0.00 216.25 5.45 0.00 217.73 5.46 0.00 219.21 5.47 0.00 220.69 5.48 0.00 222.18 5.49 0.00 223.68 5.50 0.00 225.18 5.51 0.00 226.68 5.52 0.00 228.19 5.53 0.00 229.71 5.54 0.00 231.23 5.55 0.00 232.75 5.56 0.00 234.28 5.57 0.00 235.82 5.58 0.00 237.36 5.59 0.00 238.91 5.60 0.00 240.46 5.61 0.00 242.01 5.62 0.00 243.57 5.63 0.00 245.14 5.64 0.00 246.71 5.65 0.00 248.28 5.66 0.00 249.86 5.67 0.00 251.45 5.68 0.00 253.04 5.69 0.00 254.63 5.70 0.00 256.23 5.71 0.00 257.83 5.72 0.00 259.44 5.73 0.00 261.06 5.74 0.00 262.68 5.75 0.00 264.30 5.76 0.00 265.93 5.77 0.00 267.57 5.78 0.00 269.21 5.79 0.00 270.85 5.80 0.00 272.50 5.81 0.00 274.16 5.82 0.00 275.82 5.83 0.00 277.48 5.84 0.00 279.15 5.85 0.00 280.83 5.86 0.00 282.51 5.87 0.00 284.19 5.88 0.00 285.88 5.89 0.00 287.57 5.90 0.00 289.27 5.91 0.00 290.98 5.92 0.00 292.69 5.93 0.00 294.40 5.94 0.00 296.12 5.95 0.00 297.85 5.96 0.00 299.58 5.97 0.00 301.31 * 5.98 0.00 303.39 5.99 0.00 305.48 6.00 0.00 307.57 6.01 0.00 309.68 6.02 0.00 311.79 6.03 0.00 313.91 6.04 0.00 316.04 6.05 0.00 318.18 6.06 0.00 320.33 6.07 0.00 322.48 6.08 0.00 324.64 6.09 0.00 326.81 6.10 0.00 328.99 6.11 0.00 331.18 6.12 0.00 333.38 6.13 0.00 335.58 6.14 0.00 337.80 6.15 0.00 340.02 6.16 0.00 342.25 6.17 0.00 344.49 6.18 0.00 346.73 6.19 0.00 348.99 6.20 0.00 351.25 6.21 0.00 353.53 6.22 0.00 355.81 6.23 0.00 358.10 6.24 0.00 360.39 6.25 0.00 362.70 6.26 0.00 365.02 6.27 0.00 367.34 * 6.28 0.00 370.03 6.29 0.00 372.73 6.30 0.00 375.44 6.31 0.00 378.16 6.32 0.00 380.90 6.33 0.00 383.65 6.34 0.00 386.41 6.35 0.00 389.19 6.36 0.00 391.98 6.37 0.00 394.78 6.38 0.00 397.59 6.39 0.00 400.41 6.40 0.00 403.25 6.41 0.00 406.10 6.42 0.00 408.97 6.43 0.00 411.84 6.44 0.00 414.73 6.45 0.00 417.63 6.46 0.00 420.55 6.47 0.00 423.48 6.48 0.00 426.42 6.49 0.00 429.37 6.50 0.00 432.34 6.51 0.00 435.32 6.52 0.00 438.31 6.53 0.00 441.32 6.54 0.00 444.33 6.55 0.00 447.37 6.56 0.00 450.41 6.57 0.00 453.47 6.58 0.00 456.54 6.59 0.00 459.62 6.60 0.00 462.72 6.61 0.00 465.83 6.62 0.00 468.96 6.63 0.00 472.09 6.64 0.00 475.24 6.65 0.00 478.41 6.66 0.00 481.58 6.67 0.00 484.78 6.68 0.00 487.98 6.69 0.00 491.20 6.70 0.00 494.43 6.71 0.00 497.67 6.72 0.00 500.93 6.73 0.00 504.20 6.74 0.00 507.48 6.75 0.00 510.78 6.76 0.00 514.09 6.77 0.00 517.42 6.78 0.00 520.76 6.79 0.00 524.11 6.80 0.00 527.48 6.81 0.00 530.86 6.82 0.00 534.25 6.83 0.00 537.66 6.84 0.00 541.08 6.85 0.00 544.51 6.86 0.00 547.96 6.87 0.00 551.43 6.88 0.00 554.90 6.89 0.00 558.39 6.90 0.00 561.90 6.91 0.00 565.42 6.92 0.00 568.95 6.93 0.00 572.49 6.94 0.00 576.05 6.95 0.00 579.63 6.96 0.00 583.22 6.97 0.00 586.82 6.98 0.00 590.43 6.99 0.00 594.06 7.00 0.00 597.71 7.01 0.00 601.37 7.02 0.00 605.04 7.03 0.00 608.73 7.04 0.00 612.43 7.05 0.00 616.14 7.06 0.00 619.87 7.07 0.00 623.62 7.08 0.00 627.38 7.09 0.00 631.15 7.10 0.00 634.94 7.11 0.00 638.74 7.12 0.00 642.55 7.13 0.00 646.38 7.14 0.00 650.23 7.15 0.00 654.09 7.16 0.00 657.96 7.17 0.00 661.85 7.18 0.00 665.75 7.19 0.00 669.67 7.20 0.00 673.60 7.21 0.00 677.55 7.22 0.00 681.51 7.23 0.00 685.49 7.24 0.00 689.48 7.25 0.00 693.48 7.26 0.00 697.50 7.27 0.00 701.54 7.28 0.00 705.59 7.29 0.00 709.65 7.30 0.00 713.73 7.31 0.00 717.83 7.32 0.00 721.93 7.33 0.00 726.06 7.34 0.00 730.20 7.35 0.00 734.35 7.36 0.00 738.52 7.37 0.00 742.70 7.38 0.00 746.90 7.39 0.00 751.12 7.40 0.00 755.34 7.41 0.00 759.59 7.42 0.00 763.85 7.43 0.00 768.12 7.44 0.00 772.41 7.45 0.00 776.72 7.46 0.00 781.04 7.47 0.00 785.37 7.48 0.00 789.72 7.49 0.00 794.09 7.50 0.00 798.47 7.51 0.00 802.86 7.52 0.00 807.27 7.53 0.00 811.70 7.54 0.00 816.14 7.55 0.00 820.60 7.56 0.00 825.07 7.57 0.00 829.56 7.58 0.00 834.06 7.59 0.00 838.58 7.60 0.00 843.12 7.61 0.00 847.67 7.62 0.00 852.23 7.63 0.00 856.82 7.64 0.00 861.41 7.65 0.00 866.03 7.66 0.00 870.65 7.67 0.00 875.30 7.68 0.00 879.96 7.69 0.00 884.63 7.70 0.00 889.32 7.71 0.00 894.03 7.72 0.00 898.75 7.73 0.00 903.49 7.74 0.00 908.25 7.75 0.00 913.02 7.76 0.00 917.80 7.77 0.00 922.60 7.78 0.00 927.42 7.79 0.00 932.25 7.80 0.00 937.10 7.81 0.00 941.97 7.82 0.00 946.85 7.83 0.00 951.75 7.84 0.00 956.66 7.85 0.00 961.59 7.86 0.00 966.54 7.87 0.00 971.50 7.88 0.00 976.48 7.89 0.00 981.47 7.90 0.00 986.48 7.91 0.00 991.51 7.92 0.00 996.55 7.93 0.00 1001.61 7.94 0.00 1006.69 7.95 0.00 1011.78 7.96 0.00 1016.89 7.97 0.00 1022.01 7.98 0.00 1027.15 7.99 0.00 1032.31 8.00 0.00 1037.48 8.01 0.00 1042.67 8.02 0.00 1047.88 8.03 0.00 1053.10 8.04 0.00 1058.34 8.05 0.00 1063.60 8.06 0.00 1068.87 8.07 0.00 1074.16 8.08 0.00 1079.46 8.09 0.00 1084.79 8.10 0.00 1090.12 8.11 0.00 1095.48 8.12 0.00 1100.85 8.13 0.00 1106.24 8.14 0.00 1111.65 8.15 0.00 1117.07 8.16 0.00 1122.51 8.17 0.00 1127.96 8.18 0.00 1133.43 8.19 0.00 1138.92 8.20 0.00 1144.43 8.21 0.00 1149.95 8.22 0.00 1155.49 8.23 0.00 1161.05 8.24 0.00 1166.62 8.25 0.00 1172.21 8.26 0.00 1177.82 8.27 0.00 1183.45 8.28 0.00 1189.09 8.29 0.00 1194.75 8.30 0.00 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