STATION.--420407111201201 Bear Lake 3.6 miles northeast of Fish Haven, Idaho

LOCATION.----Near west shore of Bear Lake, about 3.6 miles northeast of Fish Haven, Idaho. Latitude 42
deg. 04 min. 07.4 secs., longitude 111 deg. 20 min. 11.7 sec. (NAD83), in Bear Lake County, ID. Hydrologic Unit

PERIOD OF RECORD.--Record begins April 2019 and is scheduled to end in December 2019.

INSTRUMENTATION.--Floating platform equipped with weather sensors including air temperature, wind
speed, wind direction, relative humidity, barometric pressure, and net shortwave and longwave radiation.
Platform also equipped with water quality profiling system equipped with a multiparameter sonde that measures
water temperature, depth, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity,and total algae (chlorophyll and 
phycocyanin) every meter in the water column, beginning at 1 meter and ending near lake bottom. Water quality 
profiles are logged every 4 hours. Water quality data also are logged between profiles when the sonde is parked 
at 1 meter depth.