USGS 390735084333300 Upper inflow weir at St. Francis, Cincinnati OH


Click to hidestation-specific text

The precipitation data for this station are temporary and will only be displayed for 120 days.  Although the instrumentation is calibrated at least once/year, the temporary classification means that documented routine inspections and other quality assurance measures are not performed to make the data acceptable for archival, retrieval, or future use in general scientific or interpretive studies.

Available Parameters Available Period
2011-05-27  2015-10-31
2011-05-14  2015-11-01
2011-06-16  2015-10-31


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Summary of all available data for this site
Instantaneous-data availability statement
*** There are no data available on the Waterdata system for the time period specified,
    although data may be available in the files of the local USGS office operating the station.