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USGS station 09379500 Station operated by the U.S. Geological Survey as part of the Federal Priority Streamgages Network in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.

Logo for USGS Real-time Water Quality Visit USGS Real-Time Water Quality to view continuous estimates of concentrations and loads for bacteria and other chemicals.
This station managed by the Moab UT Field Office.

Available Parameters Available Period
2007-10-01  2024-08-31
2021-10-18  2024-08-31
2021-10-18  2024-08-31
2021-10-18  2024-08-31
2021-10-18  2024-08-31
2021-10-18  2024-08-31
1986-10-01  2024-08-31
2007-10-01  2024-08-31
2007-10-01  2024-08-31
2021-10-18  2024-08-31
2016-04-15  2024-08-31
2016-04-15  2024-08-31
2021-10-18  2024-08-31
2021-09-01  2022-06-23
2021-09-01  2023-09-10
2021-09-01  2023-09-10
2021-09-01  2023-09-09
2021-09-01  2023-09-09
2021-09-01  2022-06-23


  -- or --



Summary of all available data for this site
Instantaneous-data availability statement

Temperature, water, degrees Celsius

Most recent instantaneous value: 23.5 08-31-2024   23:30 MDT
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Temperature, air, degrees Celsius

Most recent instantaneous value: 24.6 08-31-2024   23:30 MDT
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Wind speed, miles per hour

Most recent instantaneous value: 2.2 08-31-2024   23:30 MDT
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Wind direction, degrees clockwise from true north

Most recent instantaneous value: 301 08-31-2024   23:30 MDT
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Precipitation, total, inches

Most recent instantaneous value: 0.00 08-31-2024   23:30 MDT
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Relative humidity, percent

Most recent instantaneous value: 34.2 08-31-2024   23:30 MDT
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Discharge, cubic feet per second

Most recent instantaneous value: 1290 08-31-2024   23:30 MDT
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Daily discharge, cubic feet per second -- statistics for Sep 1 based on 100 water years of record more
Most Recent
Value Sep 1
Median Mean 75th
-- unavailable -- 101 503 841 1400 1540 10400

Gage height, feet

Most recent instantaneous value: 6.83 08-31-2024   23:30 MDT
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Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius

Most recent instantaneous value: 479 08-31-2024   23:30 MDT
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Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter

Most recent instantaneous value: 7.2 08-31-2024   23:30 MDT
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pH, water, unfiltered, field, standard units

Most recent instantaneous value: 8.0 08-31-2024   23:30 MDT
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Turbidity, water, unfiltered, monochrome near infra-red LED light, 780-900 nm, detection angle 90 +-2.5 degrees, formazin nephelometric units (FNU)

Most recent instantaneous value: 948 08-31-2024   23:30 MDT
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Barometric pressure, not corrected to sea level, millibars

Most recent instantaneous value: 879 08-31-2024   23:30 MDT
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