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Water Use Data for Arizona
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Welcome to the NWIS-Web for the Arizona Water
Science Center
The majority of USGS Gaging Stations are funded though a cooperative
program between the USGS other interested agencies.
Follow this link for information on the Cooperative Water Program with
the USGS.
Refresh Date: June 2018
Year(s): 2010
Area: State Total
County Codes(s):
County Name(s):
Category Code(s): IG
Category Name(s): Irrigation, Golf Courses
* Click table headers to sort, use shift for sorting multiple columns. Click a row to highlight for greater visibility. - Glossary of Terms
State Code
State Name
Irrigation, Golf Courses self-supplied groundwater withdrawals for golf courses, fresh, in Mgal/d
Irrigation, Golf Courses self-supplied surface-water withdrawals for golf courses, fresh, in Mgal/d
Irrigation, Golf Courses total self-supplied withdrawals for golf courses, fresh, in Mgal/d
Irrigation, Golf Courses consumptive use for golf courses, fresh, in Mgal/d
Irrigation, Golf Courses conveyance loss for golf courses, in Mgal/d
Irrigation, Golf Courses sprinkler irrigation for golf courses, in thousand acres
Irrigation, Golf Courses microirrigation for golf courses, in thousand acres
Irrigation, Golf Courses surface irrigation for golf courses, in thousand acres
Irrigation, Golf Courses total irrigation for golf courses, in thousand acres
Irrigation, Golf Courses reclaimed wastewater for golf courses, in Mgal/d