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USGS Surface-Water Daily Statistics for Florida

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Desoto County, Florida
Hydrologic Unit Code 03100101
Latitude  27°13'14", Longitude  81°52'35" NAD27
Drainage area 1,367  square miles
Contributing drainage area 1,367.00  square miles
Gage datum 6.00 feet above NGVD29
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1931-10-01 -> 2024-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 485 609 794 706 291 383 1,600 1,920 2,350 3,010 711 493
2 482 568 784 691 298 411 1,600 1,950 2,370 2,890 690 474
3 488 552 761 678 293 432 1,610 1,960 2,420 2,740 661 447
4 507 553 744 662 298 486 1,610 1,920 2,450 2,580 624 430
5 536 567 724 644 309 525 1,600 1,900 2,530 2,400 595 431
6 558 588 701 627 310 584 1,570 1,900 2,580 2,220 580 432
7 568 596 695 615 285 624 1,580 1,880 2,650 2,060 560 424
8 574 610 685 631 264 658 1,620 1,860 2,800 1,920 535 412
9 571 654 697 651 246 695 1,660 1,840 2,890 1,790 515 397
10 568 678 724 634 238 735 1,640 1,810 2,860 1,720 520 400
11 559 676 710 619 246 746 1,600 1,780 2,880 1,630 518 420
12 553 647 685 592 261 763 1,560 1,790 2,840 1,560 523 432
13 563 628 706 573 263 770 1,560 1,830 2,830 1,500 512 442
14 565 636 709 570 269 802 1,570 1,860 2,860 1,450 519 470
15 568 641 677 551 286 846 1,580 1,890 2,890 1,400 539 486
16 582 657 641 529 301 938 1,580 1,910 2,820 1,350 554 501
17 590 676 633 508 311 1,020 1,600 1,920 2,720 1,300 578 519
18 587 705 657 485 311 1,140 1,620 1,880 2,650 1,280 583 536
19 576 757 698 466 313 1,230 1,610 1,860 2,650 1,250 573 536
20 566 795 774 457 301 1,310 1,610 1,850 2,640 1,210 551 521
21 559 792 825 437 297 1,390 1,600 1,840 2,740 1,190 545 506
22 562 764 897 411 309 1,470 1,600 1,840 2,780 1,150 529 499
23 573 744 927 382 326 1,510 1,620 1,860 2,730 1,110 508 501
24 628 755 892 354 327 1,530 1,660 1,900 2,620 1,070 491 511
25 667 762 835 337 316 1,530 1,730 1,960 2,510 1,040 495 524
26 680 764 804 326 308 1,510 1,730 2,010 2,460 990 510 534
27 685 778 810 324 305 1,540 1,720 2,030 2,520 929 517 532
28 696 795 792 314 310 1,600 1,730 2,060 2,570 858 522 527
29 697 731 760 304 316 1,600 1,790 2,090 2,840 810 519 514
30 683   740 295 333 1,590 1,810 2,210 3,040 767 515 499
31 651   716   361   1,860 2,310   725   488