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USGS Daily Statistics for Georgia

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Decatur County, Georgia
Hydrologic Unit Code 03130010
Latitude  31°02'24.3", Longitude  84°44'21.5" NAD83
Drainage area 490  square miles
Gage datum 85.70 feet above NGVD29
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1936-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 580 712 1,000 1,100 581 273 250 258 225 280 135 242
2 614 727 1,020 1,250 597 256 253 261 231 314 138 257
3 639 721 1,070 1,420 599 245 248 267 244 310 139 283
4 685 719 1,150 1,320 569 244 250 265 246 293 138 312
5 714 738 1,270 1,160 534 251 260 256 239 285 138 351
6 694 769 1,330 1,030 509 278 273 257 234 288 136 357
7 657 778 1,400 952 482 278 325 270 223 289 134 379
8 664 788 1,470 905 447 259 420 275 208 269 136 383
9 732 848 1,690 910 409 251 400 268 200 241 146 400
10 800 867 1,880 963 385 257 352 262 189 221 158 424
11 814 863 1,620 942 383 271 327 255 178 211 161 403
12 780 850 1,360 898 387 278 331 243 173 203 169 414
13 738 920 1,150 858 380 280 333 243 171 196 184 471
14 725 1,040 1,040 819 366 276 323 244 167 198 206 490
15 698 1,130 990 812 355 267 308 247 178 216 231 472
16 661 1,120 978 819 348 260 300 260 204 218 238 457
17 642 1,080 971 860 338 256 298 284 230 203 229 442
18 632 1,030 964 847 327 267 297 325 228 188 223 435
19 625 1,050 964 808 327 283 296 346 230 177 217 422
20 612 1,080 983 763 339 292 297 334 226 167 214 408
21 605 1,060 989 714 349 280 301 330 205 158 214 399
22 646 1,020 994 680 342 266 293 317 189 150 212 400
23 712 1,000 989 648 337 261 281 290 177 144 213 405
24 770 1,020 989 620 338 267 284 265 175 139 227 413
25 775 1,090 960 602 352 266 312 256 173 136 237 446
26 776 1,130 909 598 337 263 330 286 173 133 234 517
27 838 1,110 899 613 324 257 323 307 177 130 236 600
28 898 1,040 954 629 322 253 302 281 199 129 240 647
29 803 1,240 1,070 627 315 246 275 251 221 129 243 617
30 733   1,220 584 315 243 259 235 239 131 242 572
31 715   1,150   298   257 224   132   551