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USGS Daily Statistics for Illinois

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Fulton County, Illinois
Hydrologic Unit Code 07130005
Latitude  40°29'24.29", Longitude  90°20'24.34" NAD83
Drainage area 1,636  square miles
Gage datum 466.32 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1913-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 1,100 1,040 1,640 1,960 1,870 2,020 1,320 651 518 577 583 670
2 1,080 1,020 1,550 1,960 1,830 1,950 1,330 575 516 656 665 721
3 978 1,000 1,500 1,880 1,870 2,050 1,270 527 561 743 715 782
4 982 992 1,570 1,730 1,840 2,050 1,210 559 560 800 727 792
5 1,030 1,140 1,640 1,620 1,710 1,950 1,220 496 481 815 656 763
6 1,080 1,280 1,760 1,690 1,630 1,760 1,270 517 476 752 555 697
7 1,050 1,340 1,660 1,780 1,500 1,600 1,180 510 499 735 506 682
8 1,030 1,280 1,550 1,730 1,660 1,530 1,130 544 505 659 464 682
9 986 1,230 1,540 1,690 1,830 1,440 1,300 547 536 611 464 650
10 887 1,270 1,650 1,770 1,880 1,450 1,300 514 581 526 498 627
11 790 1,290 1,790 1,920 1,950 1,400 1,190 454 622 496 532 626
12 770 1,340 1,990 2,010 1,990 1,640 1,110 476 488 566 540 604
13 838 1,380 2,020 1,920 2,080 1,870 1,050 502 505 609 539 584
14 857 1,360 2,040 1,830 2,110 1,980 849 457 688 556 582 607
15 888 1,300 2,020 1,770 2,240 2,140 975 490 772 469 614 671
16 884 1,320 1,990 1,780 2,360 1,990 1,040 531 868 436 642 712
17 830 1,280 1,990 1,880 2,460 1,750 1,040 470 776 411 673 710
18 777 1,380 1,940 1,950 2,470 1,680 1,080 539 619 383 673 701
19 769 1,520 1,910 2,040 2,430 1,720 1,030 505 502 397 729 639
20 842 1,650 1,880 2,240 2,230 1,860 954 513 450 386 715 590
21 957 1,980 1,920 2,220 2,160 1,880 959 481 459 365 656 577
22 1,090 2,050 1,740 2,160 1,800 1,860 899 654 507 357 678 576
23 1,340 1,980 1,590 2,040 1,610 1,780 787 685 498 386 644 609
24 1,590 1,940 1,490 2,040 1,720 1,770 1,040 567 616 401 598 647
25 1,540 2,030 1,550 2,150 1,780 1,790 1,110 477 694 440 557 803
26 1,380 1,900 1,600 2,230 1,920 1,800 1,150 407 730 483 589 862
27 1,300 1,800 1,650 2,160 2,060 1,600 1,010 355 722 504 593 934
28 1,170 1,770 1,590 2,020 2,070 1,460 855 319 639 500 633 1,010
29 1,140 1,560 1,620 1,880 2,120 1,390 704 294 576 480 671 1,090
30 1,130   1,690 1,910 2,030 1,410 656 343 534 511 671 1,120
31 1,030   1,830   2,000   635 401   529   1,070