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USGS Daily Statistics for Indiana

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NOTE: USGS Indiana historic, recent, and real-time data will continue to be provided in Eastern Standard Time.

NOTE: During winter months, stage and discharge may be affected by ice. Click here for more information.

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.


Carroll County, Indiana
Hydrologic Unit Code 05120107
Latitude  40°27'53.4", Longitude  86°38'11.6" NAD83
Drainage area 396  square miles
Gage datum 624.24 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1944-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 586 550 678 685 621 453 343 161 160 141 143 291
2 523 495 644 671 596 454 307 146 272 141 216 314
3 466 500 581 678 530 460 303 138 245 133 264 321
4 578 498 630 741 475 435 318 141 226 125 258 306
5 733 504 663 741 523 453 348 141 152 118 215 311
6 770 472 672 740 557 407 504 163 102 146 192 297
7 649 460 623 692 499 348 406 186 98 162 161 305
8 510 479 586 650 460 331 438 141 121 147 153 349
9 433 459 587 614 471 405 456 128 134 131 150 352
10 421 559 632 637 499 490 465 131 142 138 155 345
11 453 633 698 735 533 544 433 122 134 152 168 305
12 512 603 712 841 539 623 409 111 117 189 187 327
13 598 540 722 850 554 733 394 101 100 217 226 341
14 638 558 738 751 555 782 359 99 91 234 271 320
15 605 569 763 670 565 704 432 168 113 223 300 323
16 547 569 734 603 591 586 458 207 102 216 310 329
17 507 559 636 597 574 520 398 187 105 210 323 322
18 509 583 615 620 555 459 379 148 108 208 331 312
19 530 584 681 697 518 474 322 119 110 188 355 318
20 526 539 726 880 477 448 285 139 114 155 329 305
21 492 576 707 938 426 445 241 175 125 142 299 316
22 525 624 673 843 434 434 271 182 145 139 267 414
23 581 657 696 725 380 416 318 138 156 138 243 455
24 659 549 701 704 384 382 319 117 133 154 251 454
25 619 481 662 690 454 334 301 107 124 201 260 402
26 562 498 621 703 551 306 214 128 161 227 273 372
27 638 558 611 676 586 334 173 116 184 200 274 417
28 686 664 636 672 594 348 154 103 189 169 275 440
29 660 448 672 666 580 378 137 94 174 154 255 491
30 621   654 665 506 365 152 90 148 149 264 549
31 596   656   442   163 89   148   594