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USGS Daily Statistics for Indiana

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NOTE: USGS Indiana historic, recent, and real-time data will continue to be provided in Eastern Standard Time.

NOTE: During winter months, stage and discharge may be affected by ice. Click here for more information.

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.


Newton County, Indiana
Hydrologic Unit Code 07120002
Latitude  40°52'14", Longitude  87°18'24" NAD27
Drainage area 449  square miles
Gage datum 623.81 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1949-10-01 -> 2024-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 623 486 696 767 722 572 471 150 143 140 196 369
2 605 485 681 771 706 583 431 147 157 134 220 374
3 573 480 650 772 663 561 392 144 155 141 233 375
4 558 479 672 802 609 503 364 139 147 150 230 369
5 560 515 725 806 571 471 339 139 136 147 226 355
6 546 532 737 806 540 485 328 146 130 144 221 343
7 521 511 724 796 504 511 323 154 127 144 211 345
8 498 498 722 766 510 537 327 148 121 141 200 356
9 505 501 736 733 521 589 368 134 128 144 188 361
10 485 541 769 710 547 590 390 119 142 148 184 358
11 480 530 818 708 572 584 382 118 155 167 194 362
12 503 528 826 739 606 584 366 122 152 185 197 389
13 525 525 828 749 640 623 384 125 153 185 197 405
14 528 510 840 739 672 678 392 116 159 183 216 396
15 518 511 847 747 688 692 374 111 189 198 243 409
16 494 516 824 748 681 664 329 117 206 200 273 420
17 457 533 784 741 665 626 295 119 204 220 288 404
18 440 577 774 728 642 583 294 125 191 231 288 381
19 419 615 789 725 622 568 294 131 180 226 308 359
20 404 639 792 728 604 527 297 138 167 217 324 350
21 417 664 797 718 579 488 297 147 154 209 323 361
22 437 720 755 711 557 469 329 143 150 204 310 412
23 471 795 719 699 549 476 323 136 148 217 303 442
24 501 819 713 673 524 476 305 119 147 247 305 444
25 510 799 701 668 515 471 273 112 142 258 303 462
26 507 764 696 671 526 497 252 116 144 264 312 470
27 499 740 699 697 533 498 223 121 156 261 321 466
28 473 730 725 698 543 507 206 123 164 236 348 497
29 466 392 758 712 557 508 188 126 157 213 368 544
30 490   762 715 538 495 177 132 148 200 369 595
31 495   760   548   167 133   199   618