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USGS Daily Statistics for Massachusetts

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The formation of ice on rivers can cause discharge values to appear unusually high. Display of these erroneous discharge data may result in improper assessment of flow conditions and misuse of the data. For this reason, display of discharge values for streams significantly affected by ice may be disabled from view. Display of discharge data will resume when ice conditions are no longer present. Discharge values for streams minimally affected by ice will continue to be displayed. Flows for streams with these conditions appear to increase during the night and decrease to near-base-line conditions around midday. To estimate the correct discharge for these streams, use the flow rate that corresponds to the bottom of the discharge curve, rather than the peak that corresponds to the top of the curve. Note that this method of estimation is possible only when no surface runoff is occurring. Daily mean discharges for periods of both significant and minimal ice-effect will be estimated and published in the Annual Water-Data Report for the water year in which they occurred.

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.


Providence County, Rhode Island
Hydrologic Unit Code 01090003
Latitude  42°00'23", Longitude  71°30'11" NAD27
Drainage area 416  square miles
Contributing drainage area 416  square miles
Gage datum 106.6 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1928-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 878 904 1,110 1,770 1,100 790 462 285 280 386 590 832
2 938 908 1,120 1,760 1,070 776 439 273 311 373 586 840
3 923 1,020 1,220 1,740 1,020 807 421 263 310 373 612 839
4 937 1,090 1,250 1,740 1,060 758 377 251 271 378 643 807
5 958 1,050 1,250 1,740 1,030 730 362 252 248 378 621 812
6 920 971 1,300 1,720 976 772 369 244 250 371 618 843
7 929 962 1,390 1,660 935 842 358 254 278 400 607 913
8 961 1,020 1,370 1,580 910 829 361 331 290 390 619 919
9 966 958 1,430 1,470 910 745 365 327 297 387 641 879
10 1,070 885 1,430 1,430 926 753 395 317 283 385 668 913
11 1,010 899 1,360 1,400 960 733 373 312 289 370 685 950
12 959 941 1,420 1,360 943 686 346 332 342 363 687 1,040
13 963 943 1,450 1,420 930 674 343 323 343 368 701 1,030
14 965 985 1,460 1,450 934 712 360 326 321 419 732 961
15 968 981 1,530 1,370 916 686 345 308 314 521 720 972
16 973 1,010 1,520 1,410 919 605 323 306 312 603 691 933
17 939 1,020 1,540 1,530 911 597 330 289 358 568 713 929
18 880 1,030 1,640 1,470 870 615 336 290 383 544 690 1,020
19 890 1,060 1,700 1,380 872 588 321 410 411 523 645 1,070
20 929 1,040 1,630 1,350 857 566 316 582 414 551 639 987
21 943 1,020 1,570 1,290 844 530 323 420 405 605 687 961
22 965 1,030 1,700 1,270 815 497 363 344 409 582 718 1,030
23 941 1,040 1,750 1,270 754 501 375 312 382 527 737 970
24 1,020 1,050 1,680 1,250 733 488 483 308 363 529 735 927
25 1,220 1,160 1,590 1,240 755 469 470 295 358 552 726 917
26 1,360 1,230 1,530 1,180 806 462 385 285 392 568 763 961
27 1,290 1,170 1,540 1,190 800 438 342 266 393 550 805 968
28 1,240 1,130 1,560 1,190 754 452 320 288 389 554 770 944
29 1,120 1,070 1,580 1,170 714 475 311 324 400 579 821 910
30 1,010   1,700 1,120 688 444 323 299 415 614 841 902
31 948   1,770   725   295 278   612   898