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USGS Daily Statistics for Massachusetts

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The formation of ice on rivers can cause discharge values to appear unusually high. Display of these erroneous discharge data may result in improper assessment of flow conditions and misuse of the data. For this reason, display of discharge values for streams significantly affected by ice may be disabled from view. Display of discharge data will resume when ice conditions are no longer present. Discharge values for streams minimally affected by ice will continue to be displayed. Flows for streams with these conditions appear to increase during the night and decrease to near-base-line conditions around midday. To estimate the correct discharge for these streams, use the flow rate that corresponds to the bottom of the discharge curve, rather than the peak that corresponds to the top of the curve. Note that this method of estimation is possible only when no surface runoff is occurring. Daily mean discharges for periods of both significant and minimal ice-effect will be estimated and published in the Annual Water-Data Report for the water year in which they occurred.

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.


Worcester County, Massachusetts
Hydrologic Unit Code 01100001
Latitude  42°04'57.43", Longitude  72°03'30.17" NAD83
Drainage area 94.4  square miles
Contributing drainage area 94.4  square miles
Gage datum 510.64 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1962-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 229 265 246 390 300 179 109 73 68 107 153 194
2 228 241 239 408 278 183 110 67 69 103 150 196
3 229 232 246 412 261 184 110 65 78 102 150 195
4 224 244 240 433 258 189 114 63 81 101 141 199
5 225 261 245 431 246 173 110 62 74 103 134 194
6 223 264 260 431 227 170 104 63 68 103 137 189
7 210 258 271 434 211 167 96 65 85 101 140 193
8 205 246 269 422 209 178 93 72 92 98 138 204
9 200 235 283 406 201 201 90 82 91 99 139 213
10 211 219 297 377 199 212 89 85 88 96 141 226
11 221 205 309 349 201 208 92 80 85 100 147 232
12 230 211 311 329 212 205 91 78 78 106 149 237
13 218 216 321 340 213 187 91 75 73 110 152 239
14 240 222 332 336 213 187 90 72 69 114 156 235
15 250 228 340 325 208 191 80 73 67 121 150 242
16 241 231 346 315 207 183 79 80 59 137 148 247
17 228 235 329 336 210 177 87 77 53 143 162 252
18 211 232 315 344 212 164 95 74 55 146 161 250
19 206 226 312 325 214 151 93 71 62 150 160 243
20 202 223 323 309 213 135 87 65 62 152 162 235
21 191 222 326 306 210 123 89 56 62 156 169 236
22 187 221 335 300 200 120 88 50 61 161 167 233
23 195 223 373 296 183 124 88 52 63 153 166 244
24 202 223 391 313 177 123 97 56 68 158 167 248
25 208 243 379 321 182 118 95 54 73 146 165 243
26 227 259 371 325 184 119 94 53 77 143 162 252
27 261 260 363 332 183 116 85 50 85 145 172 262
28 284 260 370 309 173 114 80 61 93 148 182 267
29 285 245 386 307 174 112 75 68 117 152 181 264
30 293   402 304 183 112 75 54 122 161 186 253
31 283   392   181   73 56   155   241