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USGS Daily Statistics for Massachusetts

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The formation of ice on rivers can cause discharge values to appear unusually high. Display of these erroneous discharge data may result in improper assessment of flow conditions and misuse of the data. For this reason, display of discharge values for streams significantly affected by ice may be disabled from view. Display of discharge data will resume when ice conditions are no longer present. Discharge values for streams minimally affected by ice will continue to be displayed. Flows for streams with these conditions appear to increase during the night and decrease to near-base-line conditions around midday. To estimate the correct discharge for these streams, use the flow rate that corresponds to the bottom of the discharge curve, rather than the peak that corresponds to the top of the curve. Note that this method of estimation is possible only when no surface runoff is occurring. Daily mean discharges for periods of both significant and minimal ice-effect will be estimated and published in the Annual Water-Data Report for the water year in which they occurred.

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.


Franklin County, Massachusetts
Hydrologic Unit Code 01080203
Latitude  42°37'33.6", Longitude  72°51'15.1" NAD83
Drainage area 361  square miles
Contributing drainage area 361  square miles
Gage datum 516.84 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1912-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 1,020 1,060 1,040 1,910 1,520 791 578 493 435 557 754 1,100
2 1,030 1,060 1,090 1,960 1,450 766 568 506 412 535 762 1,040
3 1,040 1,050 1,060 1,830 1,440 710 509 466 386 527 967 999
4 1,030 1,040 1,050 1,880 1,330 725 409 531 398 513 895 956
5 1,050 1,020 1,050 2,010 1,310 636 453 507 403 516 788 1,040
6 1,100 1,000 1,180 1,940 1,260 731 477 478 464 553 745 1,130
7 1,100 1,030 1,250 1,940 1,120 803 461 505 486 571 746 1,120
8 1,070 1,020 1,220 1,870 1,070 724 552 526 478 579 781 1,100
9 1,100 983 1,320 1,760 1,110 724 577 504 521 599 938 1,050
10 1,110 962 1,290 1,860 1,080 745 573 601 469 528 878 1,070
11 1,070 998 1,240 1,930 1,090 734 526 569 477 519 726 1,050
12 1,120 1,040 1,290 2,050 1,140 727 503 543 534 505 778 1,070
13 1,090 980 1,340 1,910 1,220 691 508 531 517 530 826 1,060
14 1,070 978 1,370 1,870 1,150 712 496 508 508 547 834 1,120
15 1,070 988 1,330 1,850 1,140 673 492 494 462 701 827 1,140
16 1,020 1,010 1,340 1,970 1,060 641 609 486 485 670 876 1,060
17 992 964 1,390 2,000 1,090 651 554 479 469 725 863 1,060
18 1,020 955 1,530 1,920 1,080 691 501 505 512 670 853 1,120
19 1,100 950 1,380 1,890 1,050 650 469 528 481 636 841 1,090
20 1,060 1,020 1,350 1,900 1,010 657 472 472 556 761 909 1,010
21 1,020 1,070 1,420 1,810 1,000 603 465 448 671 733 881 1,100
22 1,070 1,070 1,460 1,790 1,080 583 500 479 670 684 820 1,080
23 1,080 1,030 1,400 1,900 940 586 539 481 539 676 821 1,060
24 1,090 1,090 1,420 1,830 952 600 485 449 500 799 821 1,040
25 1,180 1,220 1,480 1,740 992 632 446 456 501 794 862 1,010
26 1,140 1,140 1,580 1,660 923 602 439 467 517 745 912 1,040
27 1,160 1,070 1,690 1,550 847 565 462 428 527 728 956 1,100
28 1,140 1,060 1,940 1,530 794 565 480 620 538 738 963 1,060
29 1,050 1,010 1,770 1,580 821 554 507 588 529 726 1,020 1,060
30 1,010   1,730 1,480 741 618 532 484 531 785 1,030 1,080
31 1,030   1,840   715   475 440   773   1,240