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USGS Surface-Water Daily Statistics for Massachusetts

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The formation of ice on rivers can cause discharge values to appear unusually high. Display of these erroneous discharge data may result in improper assessment of flow conditions and misuse of the data. For this reason, display of discharge values for streams significantly affected by ice may be disabled from view. Display of discharge data will resume when ice conditions are no longer present. Discharge values for streams minimally affected by ice will continue to be displayed. Flows for streams with these conditions appear to increase during the night and decrease to near-base-line conditions around midday. To estimate the correct discharge for these streams, use the flow rate that corresponds to the bottom of the discharge curve, rather than the peak that corresponds to the top of the curve. Note that this method of estimation is possible only when no surface runoff is occurring. Daily mean discharges for periods of both significant and minimal ice-effect will be estimated and published in the Annual Water-Data Report for the water year in which they occurred.

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.


Franklin County, Massachusetts
Hydrologic Unit Code 01080202
Latitude  42°35'51", Longitude  72°26'18" NAD27
Drainage area 372  square miles
Contributing drainage area 372  square miles
Gage datum 379.48 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1915-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 655 654 756 1,660 1,140 626 426 289 222 350 497 738
2 654 624 759 1,680 1,100 629 421 276 235 343 485 747
3 664 622 750 1,770 1,080 608 403 264 232 331 515 721
4 658 658 755 1,810 1,050 596 379 258 224 326 560 700
5 638 669 775 1,820 1,010 563 368 255 211 320 561 712
6 631 648 815 1,870 972 578 360 240 197 316 543 741
7 641 647 903 1,880 913 596 359 235 214 318 512 752
8 652 650 872 1,840 860 605 342 251 218 321 512 751
9 681 619 931 1,780 837 599 324 260 228 348 530 711
10 681 594 990 1,750 813 580 319 270 233 324 530 706
11 660 582 1,000 1,700 803 566 306 280 235 320 536 719
12 657 599 1,030 1,660 817 565 298 308 235 324 548 736
13 652 601 1,080 1,700 813 556 305 316 241 321 555 739
14 649 594 1,130 1,710 803 566 309 306 251 336 567 754
15 647 600 1,150 1,640 802 553 307 284 257 365 566 758
16 644 627 1,170 1,630 804 545 311 260 271 359 553 730
17 648 606 1,200 1,600 808 523 299 245 309 386 570 726
18 631 624 1,280 1,540 815 510 311 243 292 395 565 750
19 631 625 1,340 1,500 811 500 310 249 313 398 556 714
20 624 608 1,370 1,460 782 474 302 252 348 423 565 696
21 614 627 1,360 1,410 767 459 304 231 449 442 580 714
22 628 668 1,390 1,380 749 497 310 225 475 436 582 707
23 655 717 1,380 1,350 722 480 321 226 380 433 590 668
24 669 726 1,360 1,310 712 455 335 230 327 454 584 703
25 735 760 1,330 1,310 712 459 324 220 317 491 596 715
26 798 794 1,360 1,280 712 449 290 223 321 480 632 750
27 844 786 1,410 1,250 683 432 283 211 341 481 654 772
28 818 784 1,470 1,200 651 423 289 226 314 496 673 746
29 777 841 1,510 1,200 630 432 308 219 319 512 706 713
30 731   1,530 1,150 628 447 322 217 337 517 709 702
31 699   1,600   610   304 219   513   684