LOCATION.--Middlesex County, Hydrologic Unit 01090001, 10 ft
upstream of bridge on River Road, 300 feet downstream of gatehouse
outlet from Stony Brook Reservoir, and 2.0 mi southwest of
DRAINAGE AREA.--23.7 mi2.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1999 to current year.
GAGE.--Data Collection Platform with telephone telemeter. Datum
of streamgage 42.14 ft above NAVD 1988, estimated from topographic map.
Previously reported as 43 ft above NGVD 1929, from topographic map.
Datum of reservoir gage is 80.30 ft, referenced to the City of
Cambridge datum. Subtract 10.84 ft to convert to elevation above NGVD
1929. Subtract 11.70 ft to convert to elevation above NAVD 1988.
REMARKS.--Downstream flow affected by regulation of dam 500 ft
upstream at outflow of Cambridge Reservoir.
Water Department
Daily and unit values precipitation data are calibrated and
quality assured prior to publication by the Massachusetts-Rhode Island
Water Science Center. Data are available upon request.
Temperature, water, degrees Celsius |
Min (2001) | 25th percen- tile | Median | Mean | Most Recent Instantaneous Value Feb 17 | 75th percen- tile | Max (2008) |
0.06 | 7.6 | 26 | 31 | 39.9 | 51 | 127 |
Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius |