LOCATION.--Lat 38°50'58.9", long 75°40'23.2", Kent County, DE, Hydrologic Unit 02080109, on left bank 45 ft upstream from highway bridge, 1.4 mi upstream from Cattail Branch, 1.6 mi northeast of Adamsville, 4.9 mi northwest of Greenwood, and 33 mi upstream from mouth. DRAINAGE AREA.--46.8 mi2. PERIOD OF RECORD.--April 1943 to March 1969; October 1971 to December 2002; October 2004 to current year. REVISIONS HISTORY.--WSP 1141: 1948(P). WSP 1432: 1946(M), 1948, 1952. WDR-US-2010: 2008-09(P). GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 25.41 ft above North American Vertical Datum of 1988. Prior to Nov. 24, 1953, nonrecording gage and crest-stage gage, and Nov. 24, 1953 to March 1969, recording gage at site on old channel about 240 ft southeast of present site at gage datum 2.00 ft higher. REMARKS.--U.S. Geological Survey satellite data-collection platform at station. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 3,700 ft³/s, July 13, 1975, gage height, 13.19 ft; maximum gage height, 13.30 ft, Aug. 28, 2011, as a result of backwater at station; minimum discharge, 1.0 ft³/s, Sept. 9, 10, 1964, Aug. 20, 1965. EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum stage known, 16.5 ft, present gage datum, in September 1935, from information by local residents. COOPERATION.--Funding for the operation of this station is provided by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and the U.S Geological Survey.
Min (1966) | Most Recent Instantaneous Value Feb 2 | 25th percen- tile | Median | Mean | 75th percen- tile | Max (1973) |
3.30 | 19.1 | 38 | 52 | 81 | 86 | 602 |