LOCATION.--On left bank 40 ft downstream from bridge on Regester
Avenue, at Idlewylde, 0.1 mi north of Baltimore City limits, 1.0 mi
upstream from mouth, and 1.3 mi east of State Highway 45. PERIOD OF
RECORD.--July 1957 to May 1965, January 1966 to September 1987, October
1996 to current year. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder, crest-stage gages,
and concrete control. Datum of gage is 278.16 ft above North American
Vertical Datum of 1988. Prior to May 31, 1965, at site 40 ft upstream
at gage datum 3.24 ft higher. REMARKS.-- Diurnal fluctuation
(occasionally extensive) caused by unknown source upstream from
This station managed by the MD-DE-DC Water Science Center Baltimore office.