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USGS Daily Statistics for Minnesota

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NOTE: During winter months, stage and discharge may be significantly affected by backwater from ice, resulting in incorrect discharge data. Consequently, discharge data may not be displayed during periods of ice effect. Click here for more information.

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.


Redwood County, Minnesota
Hydrologic Unit Code 07020006
Latitude  44°31'25", Longitude  95°10'20" NAD27
Drainage area 629  square miles
Gage datum 972.93 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1908-10-01 -> 2024-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 43 32 73 556 344 269 277 110 56 108 94 72
2 42 32 76 535 335 261 271 103 55 100 91 69
3 42 32 81 535 328 249 304 98 63 103 90 68
4 40 31 88 525 315 246 296 98 63 105 89 66
5 39 30 91 542 304 242 318 99 65 107 87 64
6 38 30 104 575 309 237 335 90 66 108 87 62
7 37 30 113 581 312 232 312 84 67 106 86 60
8 36 30 114 618 316 234 288 92 72 106 83 59
9 35 30 125 708 337 232 264 89 70 105 81 57
10 34 31 151 676 390 237 250 98 65 112 81 57
11 34 31 163 628 385 241 227 97 66 111 80 56
12 33 31 174 593 373 255 215 92 74 105 78 55
13 32 31 183 565 357 257 200 91 79 100 78 54
14 32 32 194 542 344 267 178 86 81 99 78 53
15 31 32 248 531 332 281 164 85 92 98 77 53
16 31 33 306 507 315 295 167 81 100 97 76 52
17 31 34 323 479 299 360 160 82 101 100 75 51
18 30 38 315 456 296 495 153 88 96 105 74 49
19 30 41 316 457 282 511 147 99 94 107 76 48
20 30 44 324 449 268 479 153 99 100 103 78 48
21 30 47 341 430 275 458 152 100 111 99 79 47
22 29 49 374 423 276 476 147 96 109 103 78 46
23 29 51 469 428 268 440 136 87 111 101 76 45
24 29 51 495 419 267 411 124 81 118 99 78 44
25 29 51 490 433 261 382 122 78 129 95 76 44
26 30 53 478 415 253 359 121 74 168 93 76 43
27 30 59 471 391 249 340 122 70 163 90 73 43
28 31 64 560 371 252 325 128 73 145 87 72 44
29 30 85 595 359 256 304 122 71 127 84 72 43
30 31   614 350 284 283 116 66 113 81 70 42
31 31   635   279   115 61   85   42