MN040 465652094394501 MW-01 UMN Hydrogeology Field Site 0000569489


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Confining Beds Well MW-01
County: Hubbard
Township: White Oak (T140N R32W)
Location: In forest, 0.8 miles southwest of intersection of MN HWY 12 and 72nd Ave.NW
Land-surface elevation: 1453.52 feet, NAVD88
Installation: 20 July 1995, by Boart Longyear Drilling
Well information
This well is the unconfined aquifer-screened well near a 4-piezometer nest referred to as "HT" (also referred to as "Hydrocamp Till"). This well is open to the same unconfined aquifer from which nearby pumping occasionally occurs (once every July) from a nearby production well.
Depth: 85 feet
Open interval: 80–85 feet
Original & current use: Monitoring, USGS Confining Beds Hydrology study
Aquifer information
Type: Unconfined sand and gravel
Thickness: >85 feet (0–>85 feet, BLS)
Deposit: Hydrologically unconfined sand and gravel

This site is operated in cooperation with the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund, Iowa State University, Minnesota Geological Survey, and the U.S. Geological Survey.

Water levels below land surface are accurate to 0.01 feet. Water levels above National American Vertical Datum of 1988 (sea level) are calculated by subtracting recorded water levels from the land surface elevation, which is accurate only to ± 0.1 feet based on a differential GPS survey and an optical level survey. Water-level differences are accurate to within 0.01 feet.

Water temperatures are accurate to ± 0.1°C.

This station managed by the Mounds View Field Office.

Available Parameters Available Period
2017-09-11  2018-10-11
2017-06-01  2018-10-11
2017-09-11  2018-10-11
2017-09-11  2018-10-11


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Summary of all available data for this site
Instantaneous-data availability statement
*** There are no data available on the Waterdata system for the time period specified,
    although data may be available in the files of the local USGS office operating the station.