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USGS Daily Statistics for Mississippi

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Leake County, Mississippi
Hydrologic Unit Code 03180001
Latitude  32°51'44", Longitude  89°26'36" NAD83
Drainage area 248  square miles
Contributing drainage area 248  square miles
Gage datum 354.28 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 2010-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 551 379 740 858 639 339 69 11 465 114 960 326
2 637 366 628 787 876 325 195 8.8 591 130 515 257
3 1,200 794 657 815 724 378 257 8 369 94 334 207
4 1,430 957 796 832 582 352 298 7.5 245 70 241 178
5 1,150 861 854 650 463 434 340 7.8 306 63 210 167
6 897 802 869 550 392 703 306 8.3 458 73 162 170
7 706 784 755 864 371 647 262 7.9 288 87 103 198
8 617 708 616 1,170 294 484 406 7.4 262 70 108 161
9 588 760 780 1,100 247 447 334 7.7 219 45 87 293
10 514 936 877 1,100 372 850 308 45 170 12 72 323
11 582 1,820 1,340 1,390 462 1,680 289 107 102 12 58 378
12 1,000 1,760 1,720 1,230 550 1,210 329 88 52 41 121 383
13 863 1,800 1,320 1,810 659 705 334 47 41 12 213 413
14 879 1,470 973 1,910 417 466 376 45 19 23 181 450
15 1,330 1,090 796 1,860 352 344 615 48 13 21 155 625
16 1,140 986 719 1,530 281 361 575 8.8 11 19 136 666
17 1,120 953 654 1,220 198 304 513 64 9.9 18 172 667
18 820 874 618 1,120 140 235 501 44 40 20 231 566
19 694 808 634 1,150 154 632 350 101 15 16 267 433
20 663 787 661 1,130 160 1,100 267 73 17 15 236 348
21 598 841 593 1,140 153 714 193 105 36 13 164 302
22 608 1,030 629 944 154 531 215 124 57 11 122 391
23 617 1,070 984 953 132 656 184 142 56 11 95 525
24 530 1,040 1,070 821 139 994 200 1,320 53 11 104 682
25 570 935 1,050 690 177 864 126 1,130 160 10 92 704
26 692 931 943 684 197 476 94 477 120 163 168 790
27 761 881 828 625 150 391 61 379 101 226 245 772
28 690 763 786 523 184 282 43 309 81 194 235 829
29 598 615 724 842 206 204 48 227 43 200 206 807
30 535   695 938 164 103 60 143 44 523 303 645
31 459   726   333   81 266   1,610   571