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USGS Daily Statistics for Mississippi

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Pike County, Mississippi
Hydrologic Unit Code 03180005
Latitude  31°10'37", Longitude  90°16'46" NAD83
Drainage area 492  square miles
Contributing drainage area 492  square miles
Gage datum 226.92 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1943-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 960 1,220 1,110 1,480 866 591 513 441 652 395 413 575
2 882 1,250 1,330 1,360 807 597 500 481 512 391 422 541
3 886 1,220 1,710 1,250 905 565 528 457 512 399 377 510
4 997 1,210 1,830 1,110 1,080 595 501 399 578 457 373 601
5 1,030 1,350 1,520 1,020 1,120 474 457 364 688 605 427 690
6 1,110 1,600 1,400 1,240 872 508 469 386 610 567 444 699
7 1,600 1,790 1,320 1,630 803 605 453 378 441 384 419 869
8 1,350 1,390 1,230 1,220 1,020 707 437 358 384 337 381 742
9 1,230 1,240 1,160 1,060 892 698 417 357 346 331 357 651
10 1,090 1,240 1,190 979 848 605 386 356 357 329 356 759
11 1,100 1,450 1,340 1,050 932 510 411 349 364 321 380 863
12 1,110 1,750 1,220 1,150 847 447 459 380 350 323 381 791
13 1,020 1,800 1,120 1,770 913 450 473 476 361 324 419 788
14 1,000 1,630 1,210 2,040 847 493 502 498 358 337 501 809
15 913 1,450 1,150 1,630 840 491 473 446 370 335 569 909
16 862 1,510 1,230 1,260 872 475 453 474 383 355 599 1,070
17 863 1,660 1,260 997 835 497 429 447 437 383 476 1,050
18 996 1,580 1,470 924 743 525 424 382 462 345 463 1,120
19 1,260 1,360 1,390 889 896 498 417 365 414 311 515 1,000
20 1,470 1,130 1,190 810 786 450 414 348 419 300 600 836
21 1,480 1,370 1,160 923 653 432 452 331 381 298 523 851
22 1,360 1,800 1,110 1,130 628 433 434 582 457 318 503 903
23 1,300 1,820 1,050 1,010 608 439 418 476 376 343 450 799
24 1,180 1,610 1,140 951 552 476 449 408 376 439 445 799
25 1,160 1,440 1,340 964 512 460 453 399 352 374 467 902
26 1,230 1,350 1,330 1,100 493 480 489 455 461 452 481 896
27 1,430 1,390 1,110 1,250 485 454 560 465 551 453 550 839
28 1,670 1,230 1,480 1,350 478 463 536 438 489 498 753 866
29 1,200 629 1,700 1,030 464 533 481 446 446 556 693 920
30 1,300   1,590 914 467 535 440 694 381 573 677 891
31 1,140   1,550   512   433 818   527   997