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Water-Year Summary for Site USGS 06805500

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Available Parameters
00010 Temperature, water(Mean,Max.,Min.)  
00060 Discharge(Mean)  
00065 Gage height(Mean)  
00095 Specific cond at 25C(Max.,Min.,Mean)  
00300 Dissolved oxygen(Max.,Min.,Mean)  
00630 NO3+NO2, wu(Max.,Min.,Mean)  
63680 Turbidity, Form Neph(Max.,Mean,Min.)  

Water year 2024: 2023-10-01 to 2024-09-30

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USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
06805500 Platte River at Louisville, Nebr.
LOCATION - Lat 41°00'53.92", long 96°09'27" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, in NW 1/4 NW 1/4 sec.14, T.12 N., R.11 E., Sarpy County, NE, Hydrologic Unit 10200202, on left bank at downstream side of bridge on Nebraska Highway 50, 1 mi north of Louisville, and at mile 16.5.
DRAINAGE AREA - 85,370 mi² of which 14,370 mi² probably is noncontributing.
REVISIONS HISTORY - WDR NE-97-1: Drainage area; 1995.
PERIOD OF RECORD - May 1953 to current year. October 1961 to September 1973 published as Platte River at South Bend.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder with satellite telemetry. Datum of gage is 1,007.34 ft above North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). Mar. 25, 1951 to Dec. 04, 1961, at present site at datum 1,007.34 ft above NAVD88. Dec. 5, 1961 to Sept. 30, 1973, at site 8 mi upstream at datum 1,038.77 ft above NAVD88 (31.43 ft higher than present).
REMARKS - Accuracy of records for water years prior to 2014 are noted in the individual Annual Data Reports for those water years. For water years 2014 onward, records fair except for estimated daily discharges, which are poor, unless otherwise noted. Natural flow of stream affected by storage reservoirs, power developments, groundwater withdrawals, diversions for irrigation, and return flow from irrigated areas.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum peak flow, 250,000 ft³/s, March 16, 2019, gage height, 13.82 ft, maximum discharge known since at least 1881. 
PERIOD OF RECORD - Water years 1972 to current year.
PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD - SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: November 1974 to September 1981; May 2007 to present (seasonal record only). WATER TEMPERATURE: November 1974 to September 1981; May 2007 to present (seasonal record only). pH: May 2007 to September 2008 (seasonal record only). DISSOLVED OXYGEN: May 2007 to present (seasonal record only). TURBIDITY: May 2007 to present (seasonal record only). SUSPENDED SEDIMENT DISCHARGE: October 1971 to September 1981. NITRATE: June 2012 to present (seasonal record only).

Seasonal deployment of a continuous water-quality monitor. Measured parameters include water temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and nitrate. Turbidity measurements conform to ISO 7027 standards. Dissolved oxygen measurements were collected using a luminescent sensor. Nitrate measurements were collected using a Hach Nitratax sensor with 2 mm wavelength sensing.

YSI Exo probes used at this site include:

Wiped Conductance probe (USGS Parameter Code 00095, method code SC001).

Dissolved Oxygen probe (USGS Parameter Code 00300, method code LUMIN).

Turbidity probe (USGS Parameter Code 63680, YSI 6600-method code TS087, used prior to 1/1/2015;  YSI Exo2-method code TS213 used post 1/1/2015).


These extremes may have been exceeded during non-measured portions of the record.

WATER TEMPERATURES: Maximum, 36.6°C, July 28, 2023; minimum, 0.0°C, many days during winter periods.

SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Maximum 4,570 uS/cm, August 26, 2023; minimum, 219 uS/cm, April 11, 2015.

pH: Maximum, 9.5 standard units, July 17, 2007; minimum, 7.5 standard units, August 30-31, 2007.

DISSOLVED OXYGEN: Maximum, 18.1 mg/L, August 18, 2013 and May 20, 2014; minimum, 2.3 mg/L, June 17, 2022.


TURBIDITY: USGS Parameter Code 63680 in formazin nephelometric units (FNU),

Data prior to January 1, 2015, a YSI 6600 turbidity probe was used. (USGS Parameter Code 63680, method code TS087).

Extremes for this period include a maximum, >1490 FNU, July 15, 2010; minimum, 12 FNU, October 11, 2012.

2015 to the present, a YSI EXO was used. (USGS Parameter Code 63680, method code TS213).

Extremes for this period include a maximum, 1650 FNU, May 18, 2017; minimum, 10.2 FNU, April 22, 2022.


SEDIMENT CONCENTRATIONS: Maximum daily, 11,600 mg/L, May 19, 1974; minimum daily, 60 mg/L, July 19, 1976.

NITRATE CONCENTRATION: Maximum, 11.4 mg/L as NOx, June 08, 2022; minimum, <0.10 or <0.50 mg/L as N, many days.

SEDIMENT LOADS: Maximum daily, 1,180,000 tons, March 21, 1978; minimum daily, 64 tons, July 19, 1976.