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USGS 01408205 Barnegat Bay at Route 37 bridge near Bay Shore NJ
Data Type Begin Date End Date Count
 Daily Data
    Tidal elevation, NOS-averaged, NAVD88, feet  2015-06-15  2024-09-16  14806 
 Daily Statistics 
    Tidal elevation, NOS-averaged, NAVD88, feet  2015-06-15  2020-10-18 1953 
 Monthly Statistics 
    Tidal elevation, NOS-averaged, NAVD88, feet  2015-06  2020-10  
 Annual Statistics 
    Tidal elevation, NOS-averaged, NAVD88, feet  2015  2021  
 Field measurements 2012-06-06  2014-07-11  168 
 Water-Year Summary 2012  2020  7 
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USGS 405630074081001 030512-- Westmoreland 12
Data Type Begin Date End Date Count
 Daily Data
    Depth to water level, feet below land surface  2001-05-02  2001-11-28  189 
 Daily Statistics 
    Depth to water level, feet below land surface  2001-05-02  2001-11-28 189 
 Monthly Statistics 
    Depth to water level, feet below land surface  2001-05  2001-11  
 Annual Statistics 
    Depth to water level, feet below land surface  2001  2002  
 Field groundwater-level measurements 1950-03-01  2002-01-10  10 
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