The USGS is pleased to announce a new web service for the
delivery of hydrologic data, available for beta testing as of
December 3, 2007. This service is a part of the development
of a web services architecture for water resources data.
This prototype web service provides access to historical daily
value data contained in the USGS National Water Information System
(NWIS) database in XML format.
This service can be called either via a "REST" request (using
a standard HTML "GET" method very similar to NWISWeb) or via a
"SOAP" request. This page provides a examples of how to
access the service using either the REST and/or
SOAP request methods.
NOTE: This service is considered to be in Beta-test mode in
order to evaluate system performance and usability and, as such,
the system may be unavailable for short periods of time as
reconfigurations are made to address user feedback and overall
performance. However, the data provided have been verified as
correct and identical to those that are available through the web
browser data-delivery mechanisms provided by the USGS NWISWeb
Details about changes made to this service will be posted on
this page as modifications are completed. Please send any
feedback and/or questions to