Location.--Latitude 47°11'05", Longitude
122°23'33", in SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Section 26, Township 20 North,
Range 3 East, in Pierce County, Hydrologic Unit 17110014, on
right bank downstream from 80th Steet East crossing, 5.1 miles
south-southeast of Tacoma, and at river mile
undetermined. Drainage
area is 2.35 mi2. Elevation
of gage is 395 NGVD of 1929, from topographic map.
this station on a
map of the basin (PDF).
Additional Data and Information.-- Latest shifted
Flood Stage.--The National Weather Service has not
established a Flood
Stage for this station.
Funding for this site is provided by the
cooperators / programs below:
Station Notes
This station is operated
from October 1 to April 30.