LOCATION.--Lat 44° 41'24", long 116° 28'28"(Rev.)(NAD83), in SE1/4 sec.29, T.16 N., R.1 W., Adams County, Council quad., Hydrologic Unit 17050124, 0.7 mi downstream from Cottonwood Creek, 2 mi upstream from Middle Fork, and 3.25 mi southwest of Council.
DRAINAGE AREA.--392.8 mi2, revised.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--April 1937 to March 1953 (discontinued).
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Elevation of gage is 2,850 ft, by barometer. Prior to Oct. 28, 1938, staff gage at site 370 ft downstream at datum 0.58 ft higher. Oct. 28, 1938 to Apr. 21, 1939, staff gage at present site and datum.
REMARKS.--Flow partly regulated by Lost Valley Reservoir and other reservoirs. Diversions above station for irrigation of about 7,000 acres.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 6,700 ft3/s Mar. 16 or 17, 1938,
gage height, 7.6 ft, from floodmark, site and datum then in use, from rating
curve extended above 3,500 ft3/s; minimum, 22 ft3/s June 29, 1940.