Location.--Latitude 47°57'20", Longitude
118°59'02", near center of Section 1, Township 28 North, Range
30 East, in Grant County, Hydrologic Unit 17020001, in
block 12 of Grand Coulee Dam on Columbia River, and at river mile
596.6. Drainage
area is 74,700 mi2, approximately. Datum of
gage is NGVD of 1929, adjustment of 1937, Bureau of Reclamation datum,
or 1.425 feet above NGVD of 1929, levels by Bureau of
this station on a
map of the basin (PDF).
Additional Data and Information.-- Project information.
Funding for this site is provided by the
cooperators / programs below:
Station Notes
Lake elevation varies from
1,208 feet, normal lower limit of operation, to 1,288 feet, top of
real-time lake elevation data for Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake is
available from the Bureau of Reclamation.