Location.--Latitude 46°15'31", Longitude
122°16'27", in SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Section 14, Township 9 North,
Range 4 East, in Skamania County, Hydrologic Unit 17080005,
Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument, on right bank at outflow
of Castle Lake, 5.0 miles north by northwest of the northwest edifice
of Mount St. Helens, at Toutle Glacier, and at river mile
undetermined. Drainage
area is 3.1 mi2, revised. Datum of
gage is 2,498.95 feet above NGVD of 1929. To convert to North American
Vertical Datum of 1988, add 1.84 ft (USGS Level 1 GNSS survey as per
USGS T&M 11-D1). Data published to NGVD of 1929.