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> Site Information
LOCATION.--Lat 44°18'39.5", long 73°54'56.5" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, Essex County, NY, Hydrologic Unit 04150404, on right bank 150 ft upstream from Monument Falls, 4 mi downstream from Lake Placid Outlet, and 4 mi northeast of Lake Placid.
DRAINAGE AREA.--116 mi².
PERIOD OF RECORD.--June 1916 to December 1916, May 1917 to December 1917, July 1919 to September 1968, October 2019 to December 2022. Annual maximum only--1983-2019, 2023 to current year. Prior to October 1956, published as "near Newman."
REVISIONS HISTORY.--WSP 1337: 1921-25(M).
GAGE.--Crest-stage gage. Datum of gage is 1,620.76 ft above NGVD of 1929 and 1,620.68 ft above NAVD of 1988.
REMARKS.--Storage in Mirror Lake and above two dams on Chubb River. Unknown diversion from Chubb River for municipal waste water treatment. Diurnal fluctuation at low and medium flow caused by mill upstream through 1968. Water Years 2020-23: Records good except those for estimated daily discharges, which are poor.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 14,200 ft³/s, Aug. 28, 2011, gage height, 13.65 ft, from floodmark; practically no flow Sept. 13, 1920, gage height, 1.60 ft, caused by closing gates in logging dam; minimum daily discharge, 7.2 ft³/s, July 29, 1920.
PERIOD OF RECORD1.--SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: November 2019 to December 2022. WATER TEMPERATURE: November 2019 to December 2022.
INSTRUMENTATION1.--A continuous water-quality monitor with water temperature and specific conductance provides 15-minute-interval readings.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD1.--WATER TEMPERATURE: Maximum, 26.8°C, July 9, 2020; minimum, -0.2°C, Nov. 23, 2019, Mar. 16, 2020, Dec. 3, 2021. SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Maximum, 349 uS/cm at 25 °C, Sept. 20, 2022; minimum, 18 uS/cm at 25 °C, Apr. 14, 2020.
1 Water-Quality Records
> Rating Information
This station managed by the NY Water Science Center Potsdam.

Available Parameters Period of Record
1916-06-07  2022-12-31


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Summary of all available data for this site
Instantaneous-data availability statement
*** There are no data available on the Waterdata system for the time period specified,
    although data may be available in the files of the local USGS office operating the station.