LOCATION.--Lat 41°20'40.0", long
74°29'16.0" referenced to North American Datum of
1983, Orange County, NY, Hydrologic Unit 02020007, on right
bank 2.2 mi upstream from mouth, and 8 mi southwest of
Middletown, at bridge on Carter Road in Gardnerville.
DRAINAGE AREA.--59.7 mi².
PERIOD OF RECORD.--Annual maximum only--1944-48, 1984,
1987-90, 1993 to current year, continuous
REVISIONS HISTORY.--WDR-US-2011: 1955(M), 2007(M).
GAGE.--Crest-stage partial-record station. Datum of gage
is 404.48 ft above NGVD of 1929 and 403.75 ft above NAVD of
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 6,850
ft³/s, Aug. 19, 1955, gage height, 12.38 ft, from