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USGS 473425095052302 419C Bemidji Toxics Research Site


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Bemidji Toxics Research Site Well 419C
County: Beltrami
Township: Lamers (T147N R35W)
Location: In forest, 3.7 miles north of US Hwy. 2, 2.3 miles SE of Pinewood, MN
Land-surface elevation: 1419.76 +/- 0.01 feet, NAVD88
Installation: Oct. 16, 1984, for the Bemidji Toxics Research Site
Well Information
Depth: 33.18 feet
Open interval: 26.12–28.62 feet
Original and current use: Monitoring, for the U.S. Geological Survey
Aquifer Information
Type: hydrologically unconfined sand and gravel
Thickness: >33.18 feet (0.00–>33.18 feet, BLS)
Deposit: glacially deposited sand and gravel

This site is operated in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey's Toxic Substances Hydrology Program, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Enbridge Energy Inc., and Beltrami County.

Water levels below land surface are accurate to 0.01 feet. Water levels above National American Vertical Datum of 1988 (sea level) are calculated by subtracting recorded water levels from the land surface elevation, which is accurate to ± 0.01 feet based on a differential GPS survey. Water-level differences are accurate to within 0.01 feet.

Water temperature is accurate to ±0.1°C during 20 Nov. 2023 to the present (measured with Campbell CS451 transducer). Differences in temperature are accurate to 0.1°C. Water temperature was accurate to ±0.3°C during 31 May 2019 to 20 Nov. 2023 (measured with KPSI 500 transducer), due to noisiness in the water temperature record. Differences in temperature were accurate to 0.3°C. Water temperature were accurate to ±0.3°C during 23 May 2014 to 30 May 2019 (measured with KPSI 500 transducer), due to noisiness in the water temperature record. Differences in temperature were accurate to 0.3°C.

This station managed by the Mounds View Field Office.

Available Parameters Period of Record
2014-05-24  2025-02-19
2014-05-24  2025-02-19
2014-05-24  2025-02-19


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Summary of all available data for this site
Instantaneous-data availability statement

Temperature, water, degrees Celsius, 32.9 feet below LSD

Graph of DAILY Temperature, water, degrees Celsius

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Groundwater level above NAVD 1988, feet

Graph of DAILY Groundwater level above NAVD 1988, feet

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Depth to water level, feet below land surface

          -- Daily Median data unavailable for the time period specified --
          -- Daily Maximum data unavailable for the time period specified --
          -- Daily Minimum data unavailable for the time period specified --

Graph of DAILY Depth to water level, feet below land surface

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