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  Stream Site

Latitude 39°11'54",   Longitude 96°18'19"   NAD27
Pottawatomie County, Kansas, Hydrologic Unit 10270102
Drainage area: 55,280 square miles
Datum of gage: 951.05 feet above   NAVD88.
Data Type Begin Date End Date Count
 Current / Historical Observations     (availability statement)    1990-10-01  2025-03-02  
 Daily Data
    Temperature, water, degrees Celsius -- Discontinued June 2014  1999-07-20  2014-06-10  7587 
    Temperature, water, degrees Celsius  2014-06-11  2025-03-01  3687 
    Discharge, cubic feet per second  1919-01-23  2025-03-01  38754 
    Gage height, feet  1987-10-10  2025-03-01  12896 
    Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius -- Discontinued June 2014  1999-07-16  2014-06-09  7489 
    Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius  2014-06-24  2025-03-01  3579 
    Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter -- Discontinued June 2014  1999-07-16  2014-06-09  2326 
    Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter  2015-06-01  2025-03-01  3363 
    pH, water, unfiltered, field, standard units -- Discontinued June 2014  1999-07-16  2014-06-10  7507 
    pH, water, unfiltered, field, standard units  2014-06-21  2025-03-01  3641 
    Chlorophyll fluorescence (fChl), water, in situ, fluorometric method, excitation at 470 +-15 nm, emission at 685 +-20 nm, relative fluorescence units (RFU)  2017-06-28  2025-03-01  7766 
    Phycocyanin relative fluorescence (fPC), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU)  2017-06-28  2025-03-01  7774 
    Chlorophyll, total, water, fluorometric, 650-700 nanometers, in situ sensor, micrograms per liter -- Discontinued June 2014  2001-07-19  2014-06-09  2647 
    Turbidity, water, unfiltered, monochrome near infra-red LED light, 780-900 nm, detection angle 90 +-2.5 degrees, formazin nephelometric units (FNU) -- Discontinued June 2014  2002-05-24  2014-06-10  3060 
    Turbidity, water, unfiltered, monochrome near infra-red LED light, 780-900 nm, detection angle 90 +-2.5 degrees, formazin nephelometric units (FNU)  2014-06-11  2025-03-01  3609 
    Suspended sediment concentration, milligrams per liter  1957-06-21  1975-09-29  5829 
    Suspended sediment discharge, short tons per day  1957-06-21  1975-09-29  6230 
    Cyanobacteria fluorescence of phycocyanin (fPC), water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material, cells per milliliter -- Discontinued June 2014  2012-08-31  2014-06-09  556 
 Daily Statistics 
    Temperature, water, degrees Celsius -- Discontinued June 2014  1999-07-21  2014-06-09 2511 
    Temperature, water, degrees Celsius  2014-06-11  2024-11-04 3616 
    Discharge, cubic feet per second  1919-01-23  2024-10-01 38603 
    Gage height, feet  1987-10-10  2024-10-01 12745 
    Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius -- Discontinued June 2014  1999-07-16  2014-06-09 2485 
    Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius  2014-06-24  2024-11-04 3508 
    Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter -- Discontinued June 2014  1999-07-16  2014-06-09 2326 
    Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter  2015-06-01  2024-11-04 3292 
    Chlorophyll fluorescence (fChl), water, in situ, fluorometric method, excitation at 470 +-15 nm, emission at 685 +-20 nm, relative fluorescence units (RFU)  2017-06-28  2024-11-04 2511 
    Phycocyanin relative fluorescence (fPC), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU)  2017-06-28  2024-11-04 2513 
    Chlorophyll, total, water, fluorometric, 650-700 nanometers, in situ sensor, micrograms per liter -- Discontinued June 2014  2001-07-19  2014-06-09 881 
    Turbidity, water, unfiltered, monochrome near infra-red LED light, 780-900 nm, detection angle 90 +-2.5 degrees, formazin nephelometric units (FNU) -- Discontinued June 2014  2002-05-24  2014-06-10 1003 
    Turbidity, water, unfiltered, monochrome near infra-red LED light, 780-900 nm, detection angle 90 +-2.5 degrees, formazin nephelometric units (FNU)  2014-06-11  2024-11-04 3538 
    Suspended sediment concentration, milligrams per liter  1957-06-21  1975-09-29 5829 
    Suspended sediment discharge, short tons per day  1957-06-21  1975-09-29 6230 
    Cyanobacteria fluorescence of phycocyanin (fPC), water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material, cells per milliliter -- Discontinued June 2014  2012-08-31  2014-06-09 556 
 Monthly Statistics 
    Temperature, water, degrees Celsius -- Discontinued June 2014  1999-07  2014-06  
    Temperature, water, degrees Celsius  2014-06  2024-11  
    Discharge, cubic feet per second  1919-01  2024-10  
    Gage height, feet  1987-10  2024-10  
    Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius -- Discontinued June 2014  1999-07  2014-06  
    Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius  2014-06  2024-11  
    Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter -- Discontinued June 2014  1999-07  2014-06  
    Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter  2015-06  2024-11  
    Chlorophyll fluorescence (fChl), water, in situ, fluorometric method, excitation at 470 +-15 nm, emission at 685 +-20 nm, relative fluorescence units (RFU)  2017-06  2024-11  
    Phycocyanin relative fluorescence (fPC), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU)  2017-06  2024-11  
    Chlorophyll, total, water, fluorometric, 650-700 nanometers, in situ sensor, micrograms per liter -- Discontinued June 2014  2001-07  2014-06  
    Turbidity, water, unfiltered, monochrome near infra-red LED light, 780-900 nm, detection angle 90 +-2.5 degrees, formazin nephelometric units (FNU) -- Discontinued June 2014  2002-05  2014-06  
    Turbidity, water, unfiltered, monochrome near infra-red LED light, 780-900 nm, detection angle 90 +-2.5 degrees, formazin nephelometric units (FNU)  2014-06  2024-11  
    Suspended sediment concentration, milligrams per liter  1957-06  1975-09  
    Suspended sediment discharge, short tons per day  1957-06  1975-09  
    Cyanobacteria fluorescence of phycocyanin (fPC), water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material, cells per milliliter -- Discontinued June 2014  2012-08  2014-06  
 Annual Statistics 
    Temperature, water, degrees Celsius -- Discontinued June 2014  1999  2014  
    Temperature, water, degrees Celsius  2014  2025  
    Discharge, cubic feet per second  1919  2025  
    Gage height, feet  1988  2025  
    Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius -- Discontinued June 2014  1999  2014  
    Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius  2014  2025  
    Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter -- Discontinued June 2014  1999  2014  
    Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter  2015  2025  
    Chlorophyll fluorescence (fChl), water, in situ, fluorometric method, excitation at 470 +-15 nm, emission at 685 +-20 nm, relative fluorescence units (RFU)  2017  2025  
    Phycocyanin relative fluorescence (fPC), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU)  2017  2025  
    Chlorophyll, total, water, fluorometric, 650-700 nanometers, in situ sensor, micrograms per liter -- Discontinued June 2014  2001  2014  
    Turbidity, water, unfiltered, monochrome near infra-red LED light, 780-900 nm, detection angle 90 +-2.5 degrees, formazin nephelometric units (FNU) -- Discontinued June 2014  2002  2014  
    Turbidity, water, unfiltered, monochrome near infra-red LED light, 780-900 nm, detection angle 90 +-2.5 degrees, formazin nephelometric units (FNU)  2014  2025  
    Suspended sediment concentration, milligrams per liter  1957  1975  
    Suspended sediment discharge, short tons per day  1957  1975  
    Cyanobacteria fluorescence of phycocyanin (fPC), water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material, cells per milliliter -- Discontinued June 2014  2012  2014  
 Peak streamflow 1902-07-13  2024-06-03  114 
 Field measurements 1935-06-04  2025-02-03  311 
 Field/Lab water-quality samples 1956-08-10  2024-03-04  1741 
 Water-Year Summary 2006  2024  19 
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Record for this site is maintained by the USGS Kansas Water Science Center
Email questions about this site to Kansas Water Science Center Water-Data Inquiries