LOCATION.--Lat 42°47'08" long 89°51'40", in SE 1/4 SE 1/4 sec. 26, T.4 N., R.5 E., Lafayette County, Hydrologic Unit 07090003, on left bank at downstream side of bridge on State Highway 78, 1.8 mi south of Blanchardville and 4.5 mi upstream from Sawmill Creek.
DRAINAGE AREA.--221 square miles.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--September 1939 to September 1986, October 1987 to present.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder and crest-stage gage. Datum of gage is 796.83 ft NAVD88. Prior to Dec. 20, 1939, nonrecording gage at bridge 50 ft upstream at same datum.
REMARKS.--Gage-height telemeter at station.
Operated with funding from the U.S.
Geological Survey
Federal Priority Streamgage Program
Additional Information:
National Weather Service Flood Forecast Page
The precipitation data for this station are temporary and will only be displayed for 120 days. Rainfall instrumentation may not be calibrated, and other quality assurance measures may not be performed that would make the data acceptable for archival, retrieval, or future use in general scientific or interpretive studies.
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Precipitation, total, inches |