LOCATION.--Lat 43°08'30.2", long
77°36'58.7" referenced to North American Datum of
1983, Monroe County, NY, Hydrologic Unit 04130003, on left
bank, adjacent to floodwall, about 400 ft upstream from bridge
on Ford Street, in Rochester.
DRAINAGE AREA.--2,474 mi².
PERIOD OF RECORD.--April 1904 to September 1918,
December 1919 to current year. Published as 04231500,
"below Erie Canal at Rochester," 1904-18, as
04232000, "at Driving Park Avenue," 1919-68, and
"at Rochester," 1969-2005.
GAGE.--Acoustic velocity meter and water-stage recorder.
Acoustic velocity meter since 2005. Datum of gage is 498.40 ft
above NAVD of 1988, 500.00 ft above Barge Canal datum
(furnished), and 498.98 ft above NGVD of 1929 (furnished).
April 1904 to December 1910, nonrecording gage, and December
1910 to September 1918, water-stage recorder, at site 1.9 mi
upstream at datum 506.85 ft, Barge Canal datum. December 1919
to Apr. 4, 1927 (in Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation
power plant), and Apr. 4, 1927 to June 19, 1956, at site 3.1 mi
downstream, at datum 250.00 ft above NGVD of 1929. June 20,
1956 to Sept. 30, 1969, at site 3.1 mi downstream at datum
247.00 ft above NGVD of 1929. Oct. 1, 1969 to Sept. 30, 1985,
at site 3.1 mi downstream at datum 246.24 ft above NGVD of
1929. Oct. 1, 1985 to Sep. 30, 2005, at site 3.1 mi downstream
at datum 244.24 ft above NGVD of 1929 (245.00 ft Barge Canal
datum). Oct. 1, 2005 to Mar. 31, 2019, at datum 1.08 ft below
NGVD of 1929 (at Barge Canal datum).
REMARKS.--Occasional fluctuation caused by powerplant
downstream from station. New York State Erie (Barge) Canal
crosses river 1.8 mi upstream from station. Water diverted by
the canal from Niagara River basin is discharged into river
from the west, the canal again diverting a smaller amount of
water from river to the east. Additional regulation to some
extent by Rushford Lake from July 1928 to November 1951, at
high flows by Mount Morris Lake (station 04224000) since
November 1951, and by Conesus Lake (station 04227980).
Water Year 2014: Records good except those below 800 ft³/s,
which are fair, and those for estimated daily discharges, which
are poor.
Water Years 2015-24: Records fair except those for estimated
daily discharges and daily discharges below 2,000 ft³/s, which
are poor.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, since
construction of Mt. Morris Reservoir in 1951, 29,600 ft³/s,
June 25, 1972, gage height, 15.89 ft, site and datum then in
use. Since water year 2006, maximum and minimum instantaneous
discharges not determined. Maximum daily discharge, since
construction of Mt. Morris Reservoir in 1951, 24,900 ft³/s,
June 25, 26, 1972; maximum gage height, since January 2005,
14.34 ft, present datum, Mar. 13, 2014; minimum daily
discharge, 76 ft³/s, July 27, 2016.
about 54,000 ft³/s, Mar. 18, 1865.
discharge, prior to construction of Mt. Morris Reservoir in
1951, 48,300 ft³/s, Mar. 30, 1916, gage height, 15.3 ft, site
and datum then in use; minimum discharge (at gage site located
3.1 mi downstream), less than 10 ft³/s, occurred during
low-flow periods in some years when power plant was shut
December 2010 to current year. SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: December
2010 to current year. pH: December 2010 to current year.
DISSOLVED OXYGEN: December 2010 to current year. TURBIDITY:
December 2010 to current year.
water-quality sonde measures water temperature, specific
conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity at 15-minute
intervals since December 2010.
COOPERATION1.--In cooperation with the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency's Great Lakes Restoration
Initiative (GLRI).
WATER TEMPERATURE: Maximum, 29.9°C, July 24, 2011; minimum,
-0.1°C, on many days.
SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Maximum, 1,250 uS/cm @ 25°C, Mar. 12,
2015; minimum, 232 uS/cm @ 25°C, July 30, 2018.
pH: Maximum, 8.7, July 12, 2018; minimum, 7.3, Sept. 2, 5, 7,
DISSOLVED OXYGEN: Maximum, 15.8 mg/L, Aug. 19, 2015; minimum,
2.8 mg/L, June 30, 2016.
TURBIDITY: Maximum, 1,560 FNU, July 16, 2015; minimum, 1.4 FNU,
Oct. 16, 2014.
1 Water-Quality Records