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Station operated in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and funded by the U.S. Geological Survey National Streamflow Information Program\ (NSIP).
NOTE: River forecasts and additional data can be obtained at the 
National Weather Service's Northwest River Forecast Center web page.
Boating safety tips
Available Parameters Available Period
2009-01-22  2024-09-20
1988-10-01  2024-09-20
2007-10-01  2024-09-20
2009-01-22  2024-09-20
2009-01-22  2024-09-20
2009-01-22  2024-09-20
2021-09-19  2024-09-20
2024-08-21  2024-09-20
2024-08-21  2024-09-20
2009-01-22  2024-08-21
2009-01-22  2024-09-20
2007-10-01  2024-09-16
2009-01-22  2024-08-21
2018-10-01  2024-09-20
2021-09-19  2024-09-20
2021-09-19  2024-09-20
2021-09-19  2024-09-20
2021-09-19  2024-08-21
2021-09-19  2024-09-20
2021-09-19  2024-09-20
2021-09-19  2024-09-20
2021-09-19  2024-09-20
2021-09-19  2024-09-20
2021-09-19  2024-09-20
2021-09-19  2024-09-20


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Summary of all available data for this site
Instantaneous-data availability statement

Temperature, water, degrees Celsius
-- Data temporarily unavailable for the time period specified --

Discharge, cubic feet per second

Most recent instantaneous value: 19700 09-20-2024   02:30 PDT
Graph of  Discharge, cubic feet per second

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Daily discharge, cubic feet per second -- statistics for Sep 20 based on 51 water years of record more
Median Mean 75th
Most Recent
Value Sep 20
5440 9700 11300 11600 12700 19700 22600

Gage height, feet, Morrison Bridge

Most recent instantaneous value: 1.61 09-20-2024   02:30 PDT
Graph of  Gage height, feet

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Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius
-- Data temporarily unavailable for the time period specified --

Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter
-- Data temporarily unavailable for the time period specified --

pH, water, unfiltered, field, standard units
-- Data temporarily unavailable for the time period specified --

Dissolved organic matter fluorescence (fDOM), water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE)
-- Data temporarily unavailable for the time period specified --

Chlorophyll relative fluorescence (fChl), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU)
-- Data temporarily unavailable for the time period specified --

Phycocyanin relative fluorescence (fPC), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU)
-- Data temporarily unavailable for the time period specified --

Turbidity, water, unfiltered, monochrome near infra-red LED light, 780-900 nm, detection angle 90 +-2.5 degrees, formazin nephelometric units (FNU)
-- Data temporarily unavailable for the time period specified --

Discharge, tidally filtered, cubic feet per second

Most recent instantaneous value: 7730 09-16-2024   00:00 PDT
Graph of  Discharge, tidally filtered, cubic feet per second

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Mean water velocity for discharge computation, feet per second, Broadway Bridge, [Broadway Bridge]

Most recent instantaneous value: 0.52 09-20-2024   02:51 PDT
Graph of  Mean water velocity for discharge computation, feet per second, [Broadway Bridge]

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Suspended sediment load, water, unfiltered, computed, the product of regression-computed suspended sediment concentration and streamflow, short tons per day, Broadway Bridge, [from ADVM(2)]
-- Data temporarily unavailable for the time period specified --

Suspended sediment load, water, unfiltered, computed, the product of regression-computed suspended sediment concentration and streamflow, short tons per day, Broadway Bridge, [from ADVM(3)]
-- Data temporarily unavailable for the time period specified --

Suspended sediment load, water, unfiltered, computed, the product of regression-computed suspended sediment concentration and streamflow, short tons per day, Broadway Bridge, [from ADVM]

Most recent instantaneous value: 11.5 09-20-2024   02:30 PDT
Graph of  Suspended sediment load, water, unfiltered, computed, the product of regression-computed suspended sediment concentration and streamflow, short tons per day, [from ADVM]

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Nitrate, water, in situ, milligrams per liter as nitrogen
-- Data temporarily unavailable for the time period specified --

Upper 90 percent prediction limit for SSC by regression (PCODE 99409), milligrams per liter, Broadway Bridge, [from ADVM(2)]

Most recent instantaneous value: 0.6 09-20-2024   02:30 PDT
Graph of  Upper 90 percent prediction limit for SSC by regression (PCODE 99409), milligrams per liter, [from ADVM(2)]

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Upper 90 percent prediction limit for SSC by regression (PCODE 99409), milligrams per liter, Broadway Bridge, [from ADVM]
-- Data temporarily unavailable for the time period specified --

Lower 90 percent prediction limit for SSC by regression (PCODE 99409), milligrams per liter, Broadway Bridge, [from ADVM(2)]

Most recent instantaneous value: -0.2 09-20-2024   02:30 PDT
Graph of  Lower 90 percent prediction limit for SSC by regression (PCODE 99409), milligrams per liter, [from ADVM(2)]

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Lower 90 percent prediction limit for SSC by regression (PCODE 99409), milligrams per liter, Broadway Bridge, [from ADVM]
-- Data temporarily unavailable for the time period specified --

Suspended sediment concentration, water, unfiltered, estimated by regression equation, milligrams per liter, Broadway Bridge, [Sands ( > 0.625mm) from ADVM]

Most recent instantaneous value: 0.2 09-20-2024   02:30 PDT
Graph of  Suspended sediment concentration, water, unfiltered, estimated by regression equation, milligrams per liter, [Sands ( > 0.625mm) from ADVM]

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Suspended sediment concentration, water, unfiltered, estimated by regression equation, milligrams per liter, Broadway Bridge, [from ADVM]
-- Data temporarily unavailable for the time period specified --