LOCATION.--Lat 43°26'40", long 88°50'42", in SE 1/4 SE 1/4 sec.5, T.11 N., R.14 E., Dodge County, Hydrologic Unit 07090002, on left bank 50 ft downstream from bridge on Cooper Street, 1.3 mi downstream from outlet of Beaverdam Lake, at Beaver Dam.
DRAINAGE AREA.--157 square miles.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--March 1985 to present.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder and crest-stage gage. Datum of gage is 0.0 ft NAVD 1988. Prior to Dec. 18, 2006 gage was located a half mi. upstream at a datum of 839.42 (NGVD 1929). Benchmarks provided by the City of Beaver Dam.
REMARKS.--Flow regulated by dam 1.3 mi upstream. Gage-height telemeter at station.
Discharge values displayed at this site can be affected by ice in the winter, which leads to increased uncertainty. Click HERE for more info.
Additional Information:
National Weather Service Flood Forecast Page
Boating safety tips |
Precipitation, total, inches |
Min (1987) | 25th percen- tile | Most Recent Instantaneous Value Feb 9 | Median | Mean | 75th percen- tile | Max (2019) |
0.78 | 33 | 35.3 | 78 | 102 | 151 | 397 |