USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 40°53'47", long 74°16'09" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, Wayne Township, Passaic County, NJ, Hydrologic Unit 02030103, on left bank on Fairfield Road in Two Bridges, 400 ft downstream from the Pompton River, 1.4 mi northwest of Little Falls, and 3.2 mi upstream of Beatties Dam.
DRAINAGE AREA - 740 mi².
REVISIONS HISTORY - WDR US-2013: Drainage area.
PERIOD OF RECORD - Annual maximum, water years 1989 to current year. Occasional low-flow measurements, water years 1991 and 1996 to current year.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder with telemetry. Datum of gage is 153.91 ft above NAVD of 1988.
EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD - The flood of Oct 10-11, 1903 reached a stage of about 18.5 ft, and may have been affected by the failure of the Pompton Lake Dam on the Ramapo River, based on data in the New Jersey Division of Water Policy and Supply, 1957 report entitled "Floods on the Passaic and Pompton Rivers at Wayne Township, Passaic County, New Jersey.".
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum gage height, 17.17 ft, Aug 30, 2011.
DISCRETE DATA: Water years 1987-96, 1999, and 2008 to current year.
Dissolved Nitrate plus Nitrite: July 2009 to current year.
Dissolved Organic Carbon: July 2009 to current year.
Dissolved Oxygen: April 1989 to current year.
Dissolved Oxygen, Percent of Saturation: October 2001 to current year.
pH: November 2005 to current year.
Specific Conductance: April 1989 to current year.
Water Temperature: April 1989 to current year.
Total Chlorophyll-a: July 2010 to current year.
Turbidity: December 2011 current year.
Dissolved Nitrate plus Nitrite: Maximum, 6.66 mg/L as N, from right intake, Jan 11, 2018; minimum, <0.03 mg/L as N, from left and right intakes, on many days.
Dissolved Organic Carbon: Maximum, 11.8 mg/L, from right intake, Aug 26, 2011; minimum, 2.23 mg/L, from left intake, Mar 29, 2012.
Dissolved Oxygen: Maximum, 20.0 mg/L (measuring limit of instrument), from left and right intakes, on many days during Jul through Sep, 1999, from right and middle intakes, Jul 25, 2001; minimum, 1.1 mg/L, from left and middle intakes, Apr 20, 2002.
Dissolved Oxygen, Percent of Saturation: Maximum, 253%, from right intake, Aug 19, 2002; minimum, 12%, from left and middle intakes, Apr 20, 2002.
pH: Maximum, 9.6 standard units, from left intake, Aug 3, 2007; minimum, 6.3 standard units, from right intake, May 30, 31, 2013.
Specific Conductance: Maximum, 3,370 microsiemens/cm, from right intake, Feb 4, 2011, from middle and right intakes, Feb 14, 2017; minimum, 101 microsiemens/cm, from right intake, Sep 19, 20, 1999, from left intake, Aug 29, 2011.
Water Temperature: Maximum, 31.4°C, from left intake, Jul 7, 1999; minimum, 0.0°C, from left and right intakes, on many days during winters.
Total Chlorophyll-a: Maximum, 69.3 micrograms/L, from left intake, Mar 30, to Apr 2, 2012; minimum, <1 micrograms/L, from left intake, on many days.
Turbidity: Maximum, 110 FNU, from left intake, Jul 31, 2016, from middle and right intakes, Aug 1, 2016; minimum, 0.8 FNU, from left intake, Oct 6, 7, 10, 2013.