USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 33°43'14.5", long 83°17'44.2" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, Greene County, GA, Hydrologic Unit 03070101, on downstream side of bridge on GA 15, 7.0 miles upstream from Greenbrier Creek, 8.0 miles northwest of Penfield, GA, and 10.0 mi southeast of Watkinsville, GA.
DRAINAGE AREA - 940 mi².
DISCHARGE: Water years 1970-77 (annual maximum). August 1977 to current year.
GAGE HEIGHT: Water years 1970-77 (annual maximum). October 1998 to current year.
GAGE - Satellite telemetry with a water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 433.0 feet above North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988. From November 4, 1969 to July 21, 1977, a crest-stage partial-record station, and from July 22, 1977 to August 1, 1990, a water-stage recorder was located at site 300 feet upstream at same datum.
COOPERATION - Georgia Power Corporation.
EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD - Flood of December 19, 1919, reached a stage of 26.9 feet, information supplied by Georgia Department of Transportation, discharge, 37,000 cfs, from rating curve extended above 22,000 cfs on basis of slope-conveyance study. The flood of April 6, 1936 reached a stage of 26.7 feet and discharge of 36,000 cfs (revised) from rating curve extended above 22,000 cfs on basis of slope-conveyance study.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum discharge recorded, 31,700 cfs, from rating curve extended above 22,000 cfs on basis of slope-conveyance study, October 1, 1989; maximum gage height recorded, 25.92 feet, October 1, 1989; minimum daily discharge, 33 cfs, August 26, 1986.
PERIOD OF RECORD - December 2000 to October 2017.
INSTRUMENTATION - Tipping-bucket raingage.