USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 29°12'44", long 82°03'15" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, in SE 1/4 sec.01, T.15 S., R.23 E., Marion County, FL, Hydrologic Unit 03080102, in canal at glass bottom boat docking shed, 1,400 ft downstream from head of springs, 4.5 mi upstream from mouth, and 5.3 mi northeast of Ocala.
DRAINAGE AREA - Indeterminate. (Springs basin)
REVISIONS HISTORY - WDR US-07-1A: 2002-2005. Discharge records for October 1932 to September 2005 formerly published under this station number are now published under station 02239501 Silver River near Ocala beginning with the 2007 water year data report.
PERIOD OF RECORD - May 1906 to December 1907 (gage heights only), August 1942 to September 2003 (gage heights only); October 2003 to September 2007 (discharge and gage heights), October 2007 to current year (gage heights only). Discharges published for the October 1932 to September 2003 period are now published at gaging station 02239501 Silver River near Ocala which is the location where the majority of discharge measurements are made to define the discharge relationship with (291115081592501) Sharpes Ferry Well Marion 5 nr Ocala, FL through September 2002 and CE-76 Well from October 2002 to September 2007.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder and data-collection platform. Datum of gage is 38.60 ft above NGVD of 1929 and 37.75 ft above NAVD of 1988. Prior to Feb. 20, 1947, nonrecording gage at same site and datum. Feb. 20, 1947 to May 23, 1974, at site 800 ft north at same datum. Gage datum was changed from 38.96 ft above mean sea level based on levels by SRJWMD during April 2008 which were run from newer benchmarks and are considered to be an upgrade from older levels. Gage for artesian pressure is collected at CE-76 Well (291100082010003) and published in Water Resources Data for Florida, Volume 1B, Ground Water Records.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum daily gage height observed , 5.50 ft, Sept. 6, 1933; minimum, -0.99 ft, June 21-23, 1956