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Water-Year Summary for Site 02492600

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Available Parameters
00065 Gage height(Mean)  

Water year 2024: 2023-10-01 to 2024-09-30

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USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
02492600 Pearl River at Pearl River, LA
LOCATION - Lat 30°23'06", long 89°44'12" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, in NW 1/4 NW 1/4 sec.6, T.8 S., R.15 E., St. Tammany Parish, LA, Hydrologic Unit 03180004, on wooden bridge fender North of I-59 on left bank, 500 yards downstream of railroad bridge, and 0.8 miles northeast of the town of Pearl River.
DRAINAGE AREA - 8,494 mi². includes East Pearl River.
REVISIONS HISTORY - WDR LA-1981-2: 1980(M): Drainage area.
PERIOD OF RECORD - October 1963 to September 1970. October 1975 to current year. Daily discharge records October 1961 to September 1963 and gage heights only October 1970 to September 1975 in files of Corps of Engineers, Mobile District. Gage-height records since June 1906 are in reports of National Weather Service and gage-height records October 1899 to May 1906 (collected by Southern Railway System) are in files of National Weather Service, Meridian, Miss.

Water-stage recorder.  Datum of Gage is 0.86 feet below NAVD88 GEOID12b EPOCH 2010.0000. Prior to September 1970, supplemental gage located on East Pearl River at different datum for the determination of daily mean discharge for the entire flood plain.

REMARKS - Records of daily discharge are the combined flow of the entire flood plain of the West and East Pearl Rivers. Records since October 1975 represent stages for the West Pearl River only. Satellite telemetry at station.
EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum discharge observed since October 1899 is that of Apr. 9, 1983. Flood of 1874 reached a stage of 20.2 ft, furnished by Corps of Engineers. Southern Railway System reported a stage of 19.7 ft, Apr. 19, 1900.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum discharge, 230,000 ft³/s, Apr. 9, 1983, gage height, 21.05 ft; minimum daily discharge, 1,580 ft³/s, Oct. 24, Nov. 10, 1963.