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Water-Year Summary for Site 03229610
Records good for 2014. Estimated records are poor. Flow regulated by four upstream reservoirs. Oct. 1, 2014 to Nov. 25, 2014: records fair. Nov. 25, 2014 to Apr. 8, 2015: records good. Apr. 8 to Oct. 5, 2015: discharge records fair. Oct. 5, 2015 to Oct. 25, 2016: discharge records good. Oct. 26, 2016 to Nov. 8, 2017: discharge records good. For the period Nov. 9, 2017 to Sept. 30, 2018, discharge records rated good except for estimated discharges which are poor.
Record quality ratings may not be included in the water-year summary for approved records newer than 09/30/2018. Record quality is still being rated internally. For questions about record quality ratings, please send email to