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Water-Year Summary for Site 03244936

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  • Water-Year Summary reports summarize a year of hydrologic data in a printer-friendly format.
  • For water years 2014 onward, choose a water year and parameter and an on-demand Water-Year Summary report will be generated.
  • For water years 2006 through 2013, choose a water year and an Annual Water Data Report will be provided.
  • For water years 2005 and earlier, Annual Water Data Reports may be available in digital format.
  • Not all sites have reports available for every water year.
Available Parameters
00060 Discharge(Mean)  

Water year 2024: 2024-10-01 to 2025-09-30

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USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 39°15'53", long 84°13'58" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, Clermont County, OH, Hydrologic Unit 05090202, on left bank at downstream side of bridge on O'Bannonville Road, 1.1 mi east of Loveland, Ohio, 1.9 mi upstream from mouth.
DRAINAGE AREA - 54.5 mi².
REVISIONS HISTORY - WDR-OH-06: 2004(P), 2005(P). WDR-OH-09: 2004(M), 2005(P), 2006(P), 2008(P).
PERIOD OF RECORD - October 2003 to current year.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 599.61 ft (NAVD 1988).

Discharge records fair for 2014 except for discharges between 200 ft³/sec and 2,000 ft³/sec, which are poor. Estimated records are poor. For the period Oct. 1-2, 2014, discharge records fair except for discharges between 200 ft³/sec and 2,000 ft³/sec, which are poor. For the period Oct. 3, 2014 to Nov. 20, 2015 discharge records good except for discharges between 200 ft³/sec and 2,000 ft³/sec, which are poor. For the period Nov. 21, 2015 to Mar. 22, 2016, discharge records good except for discharges between 200 ft³/sec and 2,000 ft³/sec, which are poor. For the period Mar. 23, 2016 to Oct. 20, 2016, discharge records fair except for discharges between 200 ft³/sec and 2,000 ft³/sec, which are poor. For the period Oct. 20, 2016 to Feb. 9, 2017, discharge records fair except for discharges between 200 ft³/sec and 2,000 ft³/sec, which are poor. For the period Feb. 10, 2017 to Oct. 6, 2017, discharge records rated fair except for discharges between 200 ft³/sec and 2,000 ft³/sec which are rated poor. For the period Oct. 6, 2017 to Nov. 13, 2018, discharge records rated fair except for discharges between 200 ft³/sec and 2000 ft³/sec which are poor.  Any estimated daily discharges are poor.

Record quality ratings will not be included in the water-year summary for approved records newer than 09/30/2019. Record quality is still being rated internally. For questions about record quality ratings, please send email to gs-w-oh_NWISWeb_Data_Inquiries@usgs.gov.