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Water-Year Summary for Site 03261950
Any period of estimated record is rated poor, all non-estimated periods are rated as follows: Discharge records good for the 2014 water year. Oct. 1, 2014 to Dec. 7, 2014: discharge records fair. Dec. 8, 2014 to Oct. 11, 2015: discharge records good. Oct. 12, 2015 to Oct. 24, 2016: discharge records good. Oct. 24, 2016 to Nov. 10, 2017: discharge records are rated good. Nov. 11, 2017 to Aug. 13, 2018: discharge records are rated fair except for estimated daily discharges, which are poor. Aug. 14, 2018 to Dec. 3, 2018: discharge records are poor.
Record quality ratings may not be included in the water-year summary for approved records newer than 09/30/2018. Record quality is still being rated internally. For questions about record quality ratings, please send email to
Some regulation by Lake Loramie 5 mi upstream, capacity, 13,000 acre-ft.
Possible backwater effect from Lockington Dam for stages at station 03262000 (Loramie Creek at Lockington OH) above 51 ft.
Sediment data formerly collected at this site.