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Water-Year Summary for Site 03272000

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Available Parameters
00060 Discharge(Mean)  

Water year 2024: 2023-10-01 to 2024-09-30

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USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 39°38'16", long 84°24'14" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, Montgomery County, OH, Hydrologic Unit 05080002, on left bank upstream side of Germantown Dam, 1.5 mi northwest of Germantown, Ohio, and 3.3 mi upstream from Little Twin Creek.
DRAINAGE AREA - 275 mi².
REVISIONS HISTORY - WSP 403: 1914(M). WSP 1385: 1915(M). For water years 2007, 2008, and 2011-2014, revised daily discharges, in cubic feet per second, for periods of lagging stage occurring on the rise of a peak event, revised monthly and yearly discharges are given below. These figures supersede those published in the respective water year reports.
Daily discharges:

Oct. 17, 2006   3820      Apr. 25, 2011   3290      Jan. 23, 2012   2120
Jan. 8, 2008     337      Apr. 27, 2011   4380      Jan. 26, 2012   3350
Jan. 9, 2008    5440      May 2, 2011     3860      Jan. 11, 2013   2380
Mar. 28, 2008   2730      Dec. 4, 2011     653      Jan. 30, 2013   2440
Apr. 4, 2011     613      Dec. 5, 2011    4330      Apr. 3, 2014    2280
Apr. 5, 2011    4670      Dec. 21, 2011   2860
Apr. 19, 2011   4050      Jan. 17, 2012   2360

MONTH            TOTAL       MEAN       MAX     MIN       CFSM      INCH
Oct. 2006        25343        818      4750      89       2.97      3.43
Cal Yr 2006     166532        456      5720      28       1.66     22.53
Wtr Yr 2007     170752.5      468      6620       4.5     1.70     23.10

Jan. 2008        17327        559      5440      70       2.03      2.34
Mar. 2008        56097       1810      7260     327       6.58      7.59
Cal Yr 2008     159530.5      436      7260       7.1     1.59     21.58
Wtr Yr 2008     170996.0      467      7260       3.6     1.70     23.13

Apr. 2011        61021       2034      7580     114       7.40      3.83
May 2011         32692       1055      5590     253       8.25      4.42
Dec. 2011        38299       1235      6690     268       4.49      5.18
Jan. 2012        30871        996      6180     162       3.62      4.18
Cal Yr 2011     220969.1      605      7580       6.1     2.20     29.89
Wtr Yr 2011     159244.4      436      7580       5.4     1.59     21.54
Cal Yr 2012      62552.7      171      6180       2.9     0.62      8.46
Wtr Yr 2012     121356.1      332      6690       2.9     1.21     16.42

Jan. 2013        22046        711      3450      75       2.59      2.98
Wtr Yr 2013      88649.4      243      3450       6.6     0.88     11.99

MONTH            TOTAL       MEAN       MAX     MIN       Ac-ft
Apr. 2014        27850        928      6150     166       55240

MONTH            TOTAL       MEAN       MAX     MIN       CFSM      INCH
Wtr Yr 2014     140,800     385.6      7880    11.0       1.40      19.0
PERIOD OF RECORD - April 1914 to December 1923, December 1926 to current year.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 723.21 ft (NAVD 1988). Prior to Dec. 18, 1926, nonrecording gage at site 1.3 mi downstream at 712.73 ft (1912 adjustment). Dec. 18, 1926 to Sept. 30, 2003 at site 0.3 mi downstream at 700.24 ft (1912 adjustment). Oct. 1, 2003 to Sept. 30, 2013 at current site at 724.00 ft (1912 adjustment).
COOPERATION - Base data furnished by Miami Conservancy District.
REMARKS - Records fair for 2014, except for estimated records, which are poor. Oct. 1, 2014 to Aug. 18, 2015: records fair, except for estimated records, which are poor. Aug. 19, 2015 to Oct. 5, 2015: records good. Oct. 6, 2015 to Oct. 17, 2016: records poor.  Oct. 18, 2016 to Oct. 24, 2017: discharge records fair except estimated records, which are poor. Oct. 24, 2017 to Oct. 10, 2018: discharge records poor.

During some runoff periods between Oct. 31, 2003 and Apr. 9, 2015, gage heights measured on the rising limb of the hydrograph appear to have lagged the actual rise of the water surface. Revisions to the gage-height and streamflow time-series records were made for some of the affected runoff periods. Gage height and streamflow records for the affected periods (particularly during a rising limb of the hydrograph) should be treated as more uncertain because of the varying occurrence and severity of the lag.

Flood flow regulated by Germantown retarding basin, beginning in 1920. Stage affected by backwater from Germantown Dam.

Record quality ratings may not be included in the water-year summary for approved records newer than 09/30/2018. Record quality is still being rated internally. For questions about record quality ratings, please send email togs-w-oh_NWISWeb_Data_Inquiries@usgs.gov.

EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD - Flood of Mar. 25, 1913, reached a stage of 18.3 ft, original site and datum; discharge, 66,000 ft³/s, computed by Miami Conservancy District.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum discharge, 9,390 ft³/s July 8, 1915, gage height 11.7 ft, from graph based on gage readings, site and datum then in use.