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Water-Year Summary for Site 05283500

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  • Water-Year Summary reports summarize a year of hydrologic data in a printer-friendly format.
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Available Parameters
00060 Discharge(Mean)  

Water year 2024: 2023-10-01 to 2024-09-30

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USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 45°11'30", long 93°23'40" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, Anoka County, MN, Hydrologic Unit 07010206, on right bank, 100 feet upstream of U.S. Highway 169 in Anoka.
DRAINAGE AREA - 17,280 mi².
PERIOD OF RECORD - May 1st, 1905 to October 1st, 1913. July 27th, 2017 to current year. 
GAGE - Water-stage recorder. 
REMARKS - Records good except those for estimated days, which are poor.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Minimum gage height and discharge TBD (Prior to dam construction in 1913); Minimum gage height and discharge since 1914, after completion of dam, TBD.
PERIOD OF RECORD - Water years 1973-1982, 1998, and 2006
PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD - SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: July to August, 2006. pH: July to August, 2006. WATER TEMPERATURES: July to August, 2006. DISSOLVED OXYGEN: July to August, 2006. DISSOLVED OXYGEN, % OF SATURATION: July to August, 2006.
INSTRUMENTATION - A water-quality monitor was located just upstream of bridge and 20 feet landward from right edge of water - to measure specific conductance, pH, temperature, and, dissolved oxygen.
REMARKS - Parameters monitored were compared independently with a calibrated meter weekly to bi-weekly. Corrections were applied based on USGS standard procedures. The daily record is rated as follows: specific conductance data was rated excellent; pH data was rated excellent; temperature data was rated excellent (records of water temperatures at sensors are represented within 0.5 C); dissolved oxygen data was rated excellent except for Aug. 8 - 10, which is rated good, and dissolved-oxygen, % of saturation, was determined by an equation determined by Weiss (1970) which uses water temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, and barometric pressure.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD - SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Maximum, 468 uS/cm, Aug. 6, 2006; minimum, 191 uS/cm, July 27, 2006. pH: Maximum, 9.1, Aug. 6, 2006; minimum, 8.3, Aug. 2, 2006. WATER TEMPERATURES: Maximum, 31.5 C, July 30, 2006; minimum, 25.0 C, Aug. 7, 2006. DISSOLVED OXYGEN: Maximum, 18.2 mg/L, Aug. 7, 2006; minimum, 5.8 mg/L, July 30, 2006. DISSOLVED OXYGEN, % OF SATURATION: Maximum, 237, Aug. 7, 2006; minimum, 78, July 30 and Aug. 2, 2006.