USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 49°08'40.71", long 112°04'50.27" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, UNSPECIFIED, Hydrologic Unit is unknown, NE 1/4 sec.21, T.2., R.16 W., fourth meridian, in Alberta, Hydrologic Unit 10050002, on right bank 5 ft downstream from highway bridge at Milk River, Alberta, 22 mi downstream from North Milk River, and at river mile 613.4.
DRAINAGE AREA - 1,024 mi².
REVISIONS HISTORY - WSP 1309: 1912. WSP 1599: 1916; 1927, maximum discharge (M); 1947 (M). Water Data Report (WDR) 1983: Drainage area. WDR 1984: 1983 (M).
PERIOD OF RECORD - June 1909 to October 1910 (no winter records), April 1911 to current year. Monthly discharge only for June 1909, published in Water Supply Paper (WSP) 1309.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder. Elevation of gage is 3,402.78 ft, referenced to the Canadian Geodetic Vertical Datum 1928. Prior to June 17, 1919, nonrecording gages, and June 17, 1919, to Nov. 2, 1921, water-stage recorder at several sites 300 ft upstream at elevation 0.61 ft higher. Nov. 3, 1921, to Aug. 28, 1947, water-stage recorder at site 60 ft upstream at present elevation. Aug. 29, 1947, to Nov. 10, 1976, water-stage recorder located 700 ft downstream on left bank at present elevation.
COOPERATION - This is one of a number of stations which are maintained jointly by Canada and the United States.