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Water-Year Summary for Site 06294500

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Available Parameters
00060 Discharge(Mean)  

Water year 2024: 2023-10-01 to 2024-09-30

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USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 46°07'28.10", long 107°28'07.65" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, in SE 1/4 SE 1/4 NE 1/4 sec.03, T.4 N., R.34 E., Treasure County, MT, Hydrologic Unit 10080015, on right bank 1.9 mi upstream from Tullock Creek, 3.6 mi southwest of Bighorn, 4.5 mi southeast of Custer, and at river mile 3.0.
DRAINAGE AREA - 22,417 mi². Area at site used Oct. 7, 1955, to Sept. 30, 1981, 22,885 mi².
PERIOD OF RECORD - October 1981 to current year. Previously published as "06294700 Bighorn River at Bighorn, MT" from 1956-81, and as "06294700 Bighorn River near Custer" from 1945-55. Flows are equivalent at all sites.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 2,702.36 ft, referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88), from GNSS survey. Prior to 1/29/2025, the elevation of gage was reported as 2,700 ft above NAVD88. May 11, 1945 to Dec. 6, 1945, nonrecording gage, and Dec. 7, 1945 to Oct. 6, 1955, water-stage recorder located 1.7 mi upstream at different elevation. Oct. 7, 1955 to Sept. 30, 1981, located at site 2.3 mi downstream at different elevation.
REMARKS - Streamflow has been regulated by Bighorn Lake since November 1965, with Yellowtail Dam being completed in 1967.  Major regulation prior to November 1965 occurred from 14 reservoirs in Wyoming and one in Montana.   Diversion for irrigation occurs upstream from the station.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum peak flow, 59,200 ft³/s, May 20, 1978, gage height, 14.15 ft. Maximum peak stage, 14.21 ft, April 2, 1965, result of ice jam.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD PRIOR TO REGULATION - (1945-1961) Annual mean discharge, 3,358 ft³/s, Highest annual mean discharge, 5,051 ft³/s, 1947 Lowest annual mean discharge, 1,623 ft³/s, 1961, Highest daily mean discharge, 25,700 ft³/s, Jun 23, 1947, Lowest Daily mean discharge, 462 ft³/s, May 12, 1962, Annual seven-day minimum, 528 ft³/s, May 6, 1961, Maximum peak discharge, 26,200 ft³/s, Jun 24, 1947, Maximum peak stage, 10.65 ft, May 24, 1947,Annual runoff 2,578,000 ac-ft.