USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
08057300 White Rk Ck at White Rk Lk, Dallas, TX
LOCATION - Lat 32°48'31", long 96°43'32" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, Dallas County, TX, Hydrologic Unit 12030105, on right bank 935 ft downstream of White Rock Lake spillway, 190 ft upstream from Garland Road and 9.7 mi upstream from mouth.
DRAINAGE AREA - 100 mi².
REVISIONS HISTORY - WRD TX-74-1: 1968-1970, 1972-1973.
PERIOD OF RECORD - Oct. 1, 1962 to Sept. 30, 1979, Sept. 30, 2015 to current year.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 400.00 ft above NGVD of 1929; 400.16 ft above NAVD of 1988. Prior to Sept. 30, 1979, datum was NGVD 1929. Prior to Sept. 30, 1979, located on right bank 2,500 ft upstream from right end of White Rock Lake spillway and 3,700 ft upstream from bridge on Garland Road (State Highway 78). Prior to Sept. 23, 1977, at site 500 ft upstream from right end of White Rock Lake spillway. Satellite telemeter at station.
EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD - Flood of Apr. 20, 1942, reached a gage-height of 465.20 ft (at datum then in use), from information by City of Dallas.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum discharge, 33,300 ft³s, Sept. 22, 2018, gage-height 30.21 ft; no flow at times most years.